This occurred as Jupiterthe planet of international travel and exchangewas preparing to end a 13-month visit to its home sign of Sagittarius. The use of or reliance of information contained on this site or our mobil application is at your own risk. By 1870, Christmas was made a legal holiday in all U.S. states. From where does the coronavirus actually originate? Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. The timely movements of the outer planets are again present as we reconfigure our political and monetary systems. History shows us that major economic shifts often correlate with war, if not exclusively so. Per our resident astrologer Matthew Swanns 2020 prediction, China unveiled its national digital currency, the e-RMB, at the Beijing Winter Olympics. That said, we contend that blockchains are neutral, like most technology, but since every transaction can be observed on a distributed blockchain ledger, nation-states will immediately grasp the utility in this technology to create nontransparent, restricted blockchains what are known as private blockchains for the sovereign purpose of distributing digital national currencies to their populations through digital wallets, enabling a more direct means to manage and collect tax revenue, among many future governmental blockchain applications including census taking and voting. Matthew Swann (@swannmatthew) | Twitter Their returns are especially prescient because they can herald the re-emergence of a major cyclical pattern or watershed historical trend. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine. In our 2020 Horoscope book (published November 2019), Astrostyles resident astrologer Matthew Swann predicted the likelihood of an economic black swan event that could be triggered by the January 12 Saturn-Pluto conjunction in Capricorn, the sign that rules governments and the economy. Religion to me is science and science is religion.Ada LovelaceThank you,Matthew Swann and AstrostyleIf youve enjoyed the Aquarian predictions of Matthew Swann and wish to understand the full revelations of the Aquarian Technocalypse, Astrostyle will be making available a special report, one that spans the USAs entire monetary history, including the U.S. Colonial era, Civil War period, World War II, and our current revolutionary Aquarian Age. Main by Miikka Luotio on Unsplash. We will likely see Saturns imprint on public health and government-operated offices under Aquarian rule, with long lines and bureaucracy. As Neptune, Uranus and Pluto all return to placements that coincided with prior wars and the emergence of these new financial orderings, their transits support our planetary thesis that upheaval is highly probable and will birth the next monetary system during this decade. The disruptions weve endured to this point will begin to coalesce into a meaningful narrative, albeit a challenging one, in the winter of 2022. The word Christmas didnt enter the English language until the early 15th century. Take the Christmas tree: Did you know that evergreens were not originally used to hang festive ornaments and hide presents? (As of this publication, The M1 money supply of the US economy has increased 41% in the last 12 months, a staggering figure by any measure. Read more on the future of money according to astrology in our highly regarded article American Revolution 2.0 and The Astrology of Money: Bitcoin and the Aquarian Technocalypse. The year 2022 will accelerate the eventual adoption of cryptocurrency into the core of the emerging digital currency financial system. Its worth sharing that the entire group of outer planets are associated with forms of monumental change, both sudden and epochal, embodying in their cumulative effects, the very definition of the term apocalypse to uncover, disclose, reveal. From a transpersonal and Jungian astrology perspective, the outer planets easily conform to Jungs key transitional term enantiodromia, defined as the emergence of the unconscious opposite in the course of time.. The years 2020 and 2021 are a prelude to major transformations in our social, economic and political ecologies. A hot drink like a Yule wassail dates back to old fertility rites (and is a precursor to Christmas caroling), when a mix of wine and hot cider were poured on the ground to encourage crops to grow. Perhaps the return of Pluto to Aquarius will unveil this cryptographic entity. As Pluto settled into its first Capricorn season on January 3, 2009, a mysterious figure named Satoshi Nakamoto mined Bitcoins very first Genesis Block, birthing the digital foundation stone of a cryptocurrency revolution, allowing any person with an internet connection the ability to transfer digital tokens without a third party like a bank or government intermediating. This winter solstice and Christmas season, give a festive treatment to your wreaths and tree by adding beautiful pine cones. The next global revolution for individual rights will be the attempt to emancipate money from the state. On November 16, 1914, the U.S. Federal Reserve began operations as Saturn and Pluto (both retrograde) united in Cancer. In other traditions, 22 is also prevalent: There are 22 Major Arcana in the Tarot and 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet. Here are 7 fascinating things about winter solstice and astrology that you may not have known, The word solstice derives from the Latin etymology sol (Sun) +sistere(standing still) when the Sun appears to halt in the sky for three days during each winter and summer solstice periods before resuming its usual forward progress through the calendar year. Prior to this, the colonists issued the continental, paper money intended to unyoke them from the British monetary system. As boundary-builder Saturn enters the sign that rules society and communityall group gatheringsthis phase will impact community and social services. With an effective vaccine technology comes the expectation that the U.S. economy will rebound into a healthy state for the coming Aquarian Technocalypse, a development we would welcome despite our dour predictions. Astro-Databank, Astrology Database, Famous People Charts Horoscopes These four zodiac signs are denoted as cardinal signs since they mark the Suns all-important seasonal transitions throughout the calendar year: the vernal/spring equinox (Aries), the autumn equinox (Libra), and the summer (Cancer) and winter (Capricorn) solstices, the highest and lowest points in the Suns seasonal passage across the Earths tropical latitudes. The United States has its roots in many Plutonian secrets. (These are the authors who coined the term millennial.). While our book was written and printed months before any mention of the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China, an event like this one has a long historical footprintat least, according to astrology. These experiments helped Swann establish the theory of psychokinesis. Occurring annually on March 16, birthday of astronomy pioneer Caroline Herschel, and named for the Muse of astronomy, Urania Day's purpose is . A clue to that revelation can be obtained by casting our vision across Neptunes great ocean to the nascent financial superpower of China, where we discover a cosmic harbinger of the Aquarian Technocalypse. At this writing, U.S. stocks took a steep plunge in recent trading sessions due to virus-induced fears and developments. China, where the coronavirus originated, is the seat of global manufacturing, and coronavirus shutdowns will result in tens of billions of dollars in lost growth this quarter alone, according to CNN, in an article that also warns that, major outbreaks in Japan, South Korea and Italy underscore the risk posed to other big economies from the coronavirus. With the coronavirus spreading at this rate, its a near-certainty that it will soon affect every nation and their economies as the disrupted global supply chain now exports panic. History demonstrates that major changes to our financial systems, at a fundamental level, parallel the cycles of the outer planets, which are drivers of progress and innovation. Heaven's Child is a good place to find info about Matthew Swan Astrology. The birth of Christ was not celebrated by the Christian church until Constantine made Christianity the official religion of his empire a decade after issuing the Edict of Milan in 313 CE, thus ending the persecution of Christians while creating a new god to worshipJesus. Roman soldiers would paint the Christian cross symbol on their shields as their new battle standard henceforth as Jesus was made the patron of the Roman army by Constantine. It shouldits a winter solstice ghost story. Astrology, COVID-19 and the Black Swan Economic Crisis There are two definitions of winter, according to The Old Farmers Almanac: December holidays around the world focus on the spiritual symbolism of light, says Dr. Gabrielle Francis, The Herban Alchemist. featuring predictions by resident astrologer Matthew Swann published March 1, 2020 From shaken financial markets to international travel restrictions to a virus yet to be contained--here's what the stars say is headed our way. Dr. Matthew C. Swan, MD | New York, NY - US News Health In 1792, while Pluto was last in Aquarius, the United States dollar became the nations standard unit of currency. Mr. Swann's fully expounded predictions about the decade's prospects of financial revolution, war and political change can be found in The AstroTwins' 2021 Horoscope ( Consider the period from 2024 to 2044, when Pluto will be in Aquarius, the sign of technology and liberation, following a three-year transit of Saturn in Aquarius. The potentials of this cardinal cross aspect have also been described by the academic paper The Thucydides Trapa conceptual term derived from ancient Greek military history created by the American political scientist Graham T. Allison to convey what occurs when a rising nation-state (e.g., China) threatens to displace an established or ruling nation-state power (e.g, the USA). scriptwriter, director. By The AstroTwins and Matthew Swann. An ignoble figure, Ixion was cast into oblivion, strapped to a burning wheel as punishment for his raging intemperance. Could this be an act of bioterrorism as many are now speculating? Read our full post on the Cross of Ixion here. The last time Pluto was in Aquarius was in the 1780s, when the U.S. Dollar became the official currency of America. The USA Pluto Return Is Here: What It Means for You During the summer of 2020 and the writing of the Aquarian Technocalypse, a discovery was made surrounding the birthdates of Bitcoin, The United States, The U.S. Dollar, China and its renminbi (Yuan) national currency: All five occupy similar degrees in their respective Sun signs, forming precise angles of either opposition (180) or square (90) to each other, confirming an awareness of astrology and prompting us to consider the unthinkable: Whomever created Bitcoin in 2009 and the U.S. Dollar in 1792 possessed a working knowledge of astrology, pointing to deeper levels of mystery behind both the US Dollars and Bitcoins creation that would transform our understanding of the present-day geopolitical and financial worlds. The Roman Mithras was the god of light, the central messenger figure of the Mithraic Mysteries religion (whose origins may extend far back in antiquity to Zoroastrian Persia and Vedic India), while Sol was literally the divine sun. As we approach Neptunes second 22 visit to Pisces in the history of the United States (in February 2022), we look back to the start of the Civil War, which began in 1861, as Neptune exited Pisces to begin its quest through Aries. Where is the revolution within yourself? The more distant outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, progress through each zodiac sign over the course of seven to 20 years. Ingo Swann - Artist and Psi Researcher - Free Horoscopes, Astrology Since the moment before us demands our attention in so many unknown and challenging ways, perhaps we are best served by learning from those bright stars that have preceded us, as we peer into the vast amphora of the Aquarian future-time. Matthew Swann Astrology. Matthew Swann (c.1620 - 1702) - Genealogy As a journalist, you can create a free Muck Rack account to customize your profile, list your contact preferences, and upload a portfolio of your best work. Black Swan Astrologer: Bitcoin is the next stage in the evolution of Dr. Swann's Office Locations 1 TSAOG Orthopaedics - Quarry Area 400 Concord Plaza Dr Ste 300, San Antonio, TX 78216 Directions (210) 804-5400 Open Now Today's Hours 08:00 - 17:00 2 TSAOG. Check out the links provided below! Heaven's Child is a good place to find info about Matthew Swann Astrology. (Uranus was last here from 1934 to 1942.). Rituals are opportunities to ground spirituality into our daily life. During the early fourth century CE, the Roman emperor Constantine the Great realized that he could consolidate power and enlarge his empire by practicing Christianity from his new eastern Roman capital, the eponymous city Constantinople (located in what is now Istanbul, Turkey), which rose to become the most powerful city in the world as Rome declined. On December 2, Jupiter moved into fall (its weakened position) in Capricorn, joining Saturn and Pluto in this sobering sign. To offset their war debts and finance the building of the nation, the colonists used the vanguard technology of their timethe printing pressto produce continentals. In fact, the word revolution derives from the stars, its etymology referring to the rotation of a celestial body. Newly discovered astrology in Emily Dickinson's famous poem, "Because I Could Not Stop for Death/He Kindly . (Long before books like the Fourth Turning created cycles in which to understand human history, this observational role was, and continues to be, the province of the ancient art of astrology.).
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