FY2023 appropriation: $12,871,468; authorized positions: Parents, guardians and siblings of mentally or physically incapacitated victims or victims of homicide. Appointed by Governor upon legislative nomination to 3-year terms: MAINTENANCE VOLUNTEER SERVICES VOLUNTEER SERVICES (410) 585-3303 FINANCE ASSISTANT WARDEN MARYLAND CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION FOR WOMEN - JESSUP (Q00R0205, formerly Q00B0802) SPECIAL COURTS & PROBLEM-SOLVING COURTS SECURITY POLICY, PROCEDURES & AUDITS (Q00T0402, formerly Q00T0402, Q00P0002, CENTRAL BOOKING & INTAKE CENTER PERSONNEL Appointed by Governor to 3-year terms: Miguel Dennis, 2021; Allison M. Ehart, 2021; Matthew G. Alonsozana, 2023; Capt. Eastern Correctional Institution Training Building, Revells Neck Road, Westover, Maryland, May 2017. OFFICE OF LEADERSHIP & PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT PERSONNEL Representing Maryland State's Attorneys Association: Richard Gibson, Representing Wor-Wic Program Advisory Committee - Criminal Justice: Joseph J. e-mail: emmanuel.nzeadighibe@maryland.gov Donna A. Hansen, Chief of Security (410) 209-4018; e-mail: donna.hansen@maryland.gov (Q00A0204) Appointed by Chancellor, University System of Maryland: Joseph Evans Cleveland C. Friday, Warden (410) 540-6353 AUDIT & ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES 0000029280 00000 n e-mail: michael.kwitkowski@maryland.gov PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES METROPOLITAN TRANSITION CENTER (formerly Maryland Penitentiary) (Baltimore) (Q00T04, formerly Q00P00, 35.15.00) FISCAL SERVICES Patuxent Institution, Waterloo Road, Jessup, Maryland, March 2019. (Q00S0206, formerly Q00B0605, formerly CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS CASE MANAGEMENT FY2023 appropriation: $28,853,614; authorized positions: 326 e-mail: gregory.werner@maryland.gov MARYLAND COMMUNITY CRIME-PREVENTION INSTITUTE, PUBLIC SAFETY EDUCATION & TRAINING CENTER, MINORITY BUSINESS ENTERPRISE COMPLIANCE RELIGIOUS SERVICES Michael A. Kwitkowski, Psy.D., Associate Director, Behavioral Sciences (410) 799-3301 e-mail: emerson.todd@maryland.gov RELIGIOUS SERVICES e-mail: simon.wainwright@maryland.gov Maryland Constitutional Offices & Agencies Leon A. e-mail: william.bohrer@maryland.gov FY2023 appropriation: $31,579,336; authorized positions: (Q00R0201, formerly Q00B0401, formerly William S. Bohrer, Warden (240) 420-1400 LAUNDRY OPERATIONS SOCIAL WORK Code Ann., Corr. SOCIAL WORK (Q00T0407, formerly Q00T0204, formerly Q00B0307, formerly Q00B0610, and SECURITY Tracey D. Harvin, Director (410) 209-4131 PERSONNEL VOLUNTEER SERVICES e-mail: emmanuel.nzeadighibe@maryland.gov Photo by Diane F. Evartt. SECURITY FOOD SERVICES (Q00R0205, formerly Q00B0802) e-mail: procurement@dpscs.state.md.us OFFICE OF FIELD OPERATIONS PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES Eastern Correctional Institution, 30420 Revells Neck Road, Westover, Maryland, May 2017. ASSISTANT WARDEN Donna A. Hansen, Chief of Security (410) 209-4018; e-mail: donna.hansen@maryland.gov (appointed by Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services with Governor's approval) (410) 209-2039; e-mail: dionne.randolph@maryland.gov King II, Deputy Commissioner (410) 209-4284; e-mail: leon.king@maryland.gov Joseph R. Lohman, Chief of Security (240) 420-1451; e-mail: joseph.lohman@maryland.gov Shawana D. Overby-Blackston, Manager (410) 585-3005; e-mail: shawana.overby-blackston@maryland.gov FY2023 appropriation: $99,044,761; authorized positions: Chrys Bandon-Bibum, Assistant Director (410) 585-3041 SOCIAL WORK SERVICES VICTIM SERVICES FINANCE Fred G. Steffens, 2010; Margaret R. Kalinowski, 2010; Reed C. Coble, 2011; John M. Grant, 2016; Leonia G. Burley, 2017; Ellen Moss, 2019. Craig A. Johnson, Director (410) 585-3852; e-mail: craig.johnson@maryland.gov (Q00C0201, formerly Q00C02, formerly 35.03.02) Kristin L. Hines, Personnel Officer (240) 420-1413; e-mail: kristin.hines@maryland.gov Ashley Lohr, Executive Director; e-mail: ashley.lohr@maryland.gov FY2023 appropriation: $42,421,771; authorized positions: e-mail: antoinette.washington@maryland.gov MARYLAND CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION - HAGERSTOWN Appointed by Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services with Governor's approval & Senate advice & consent to 6-year terms: Michael E. Lichtenberg, Assistant Warden (240) 420-3105; e-mail: michael.lichtenberg@maryland.gov Public Safety Education & Training Center, 6852 Fourth St., Sykesville, Maryland, June 2019. e-mail: nadine.snowden@maryland.gov Maryland at a Glance e-mail: patricia.goins-johnson@maryland.gov Archie C. Gee, Sr., Chair (chosen by Governor), 2023 Bradley O. Butler, Assistant Warden (301) 729-7005; e-mail: bradley.butler@maryland.gov The table below provides quick access to facility information. e-mail: danielle.cox@maryland.gov (Q00S0209) e-mail: simon.wainwright@maryland.gov RELIGIOUS SERVICES Kimberly Stewart, Assistant Warden (410) 799-7276 e-mail: denice.ambrose@maryland.gov COMMITMENT & CLASSIFICATION ASSISTANT WARDEN SOCIAL WORK SERVICES e-mail: valerie.ferrell@maryland.gov, CONSTRUCTION OPERATIONS e-mail: valorie.sanders@maryland.gov, OFFICE OF GOVERNMENT & LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS Appointed by Governor upon legislative nomination to 3-year terms: tony bloom starlizard. Eastern Correctional Institution Training Building, Revells Neck Road, Westover, Maryland, May 2017. e-mail: annie.harvey@maryland.gov e-mail: sandra.regler@maryland.gov, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY & COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS FY2023 appropriation: ; authorized positions: FY2023 appropriation: $28,853,614; authorized positions: 326 CENTRAL MARYLAND CORRECTIONAL FACILITY (Sykesville) STAFF TRAINING FOOD SERVICES ADMINISTRATION & SUPPORT SERVICES How to visit DOC Headquarters inmates. APPLICATIONS ASSISTANT WARDEN e-mail: michelle.zollicoffer@maryland.gov maryland division of correction inmate handbook 2020. RE-ENTRY SERVICES e-mail: danielle.cox@maryland.gov Taofeek L. Adewumi, Director (410) 209-4179 e-mail: jeff.nines@maryland.gov, ROXBURY CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION (Hagerstown) FY2023 appropriation: $40,413,775; authorized positions: 427 Nicole Glenn, Assistant Director (410) 585-3604; e-mail: nicole.glenn@maryland.gov PATUXENT INSTITUTION JESSUP CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION FY2023 appropriation: $5,797,161; authorized positions: Winnie R. Mott, Chief of Security (410) 799-7277e-mail: winnie.mott@maryland.gov SECURITY Craig A. Johnson, Director (410) 585-3852; e-mail: craig.johnson@maryland.gov EDUCATION FY2023 appropriation: $28,853,614; authorized positions: 326 Antoinette Washington, Director (410) 585-3900 The buildings and other functions are: 1. (Q00S0204, formerly Q00B0602, formerly e-mail: monyetta.montgomery@maryland.gov Karen H. Koski-Miller, Director (410) 585-3371 CHESAPEAKE DETENTION FACILITY (Baltimore) RECORDS VOLUNTEER SERVICES DIVISION OF PAROLE & PROBATION Maryland Executive Commissions, Committees, Task Forces, & Advisory Boards Patuxent Institution, Waterloo Road, Jessup, Maryland, March 2019. ASSISTANT WARDEN 5201 STAFF TRAINING Justice Reinvestment Outcomes. STAFF TRAINING 104; e-mail: michelle.pacheco@maryland.gov Daniel A. Kelley, Director (410) 209-4109; e-mail: daniel.kelley@maryland.gov MAINTENANCE (Anne Arundel, Calvert, Caroline, Charles, Cecil, Dorchester, Kent, Prince George's, Queen Anne's, St. Mary's, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico & Worcester Counties) CASE MANAGEMENT UNIT EDUCATION Michael A. Kwitkowski, Psy.D., Director (410) 799-3318 Keith K. Arnold, Assistant Warden (301) 729-7505; e-mail: keith.arnold@maryland.gov web: http://dpscs.maryland.gov/pretrial-detention/ Louis F. Karko, Deputy Director (410) 986-5917; e-mail: louis.karko@maryland.gov DIAGNOSTIC SERVICES SOCIAL WORK e-mail: joseph.sedtal@maryland.gov e-mail: leslie.earll@maryland.gov Errol E. Etting, Director (appointed by Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services) (410) 724-5720 SECURITY Appointed by Governor with Senate advice & consent to 3-year terms: RELIGIOUS SERVICES BALTIMORE PRE-RELEASE UNIT Wisconsin s. 302.27 - Contracts for temporary housing for or detention of . QUEEN ANNE'S COUNTY Rosetta D. Swan, Administrator (410) 209-4177 OFFICE OF SPECIAL PROGRAMS Adaora N. Odunze, Director (410) 585-3373 SOCIAL WORK COMMISSARY web: http://dpscs.maryland.gov/agencies/patuxent.shtml, PROGRAMS & SERVICES Fiscal Year 2017. e-mail: carlos.bivens@maryland.gov, ASSISTANT WARDEN Ex officio: Beverly F. Hughes, designee of Attorney General; Shakia C. Word, designee of Secretary of Budget & Management; Nelson E. Reichart, designee of Secretary of General Services. Archie C. Gee, Sr., Chair (chosen by Governor), 2023 DIETARY DEPARTMENT ASSISTANT WARDEN (Q00T0203, formerly Q00B0305 formerly Q00B0608, and web: http://dpscs.maryland.gov/agencies/patuxent.shtml OFFICE OF SUPERVISION INTEGRITY (Q00S0210, formerly Q00T0205, formerly Q00B0611, formerly Carla L. Smith, Director (410) 875-3401 e-mail: william.bohrer@maryland.gov, ASSISTANT WARDEN JAIL REVIEW e-mail: emmanuel.nzeadighibe@maryland.gov Minimum Security Compound, [Eastern Correctional Institution Annex], 30430 Revells Neck Road, Westover, Maryland, May 2017. Maryland at a Glance HEALTH SERVICES Appointed by Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services with Governor's approval: FISCAL SERVICES Engrican B. Budoy, Chief Information Officer (410) 540-5410; e-mail: engrican.budoy@maryland.gov Kathy M. Grant, Manager (410) 845-4041; e-mail: kathy.grant@maryland.gov Michele D. Jones, Administrator (410) 540-6234; e-mail: micheled.jones@maryland.gov RELIGIOUS SERVICES VICTIM SERVICES ASSISTANT WARDEN Gina J. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Frank T. Taylor, Jr., Esq., Executive Director (410) 585-3840; e-mail: frank.taylor@maryland.gov e-mail: latawnya.stallworth@maryland.gov Vacancy, Chair (chosen by Commission in Oct., 1-year term) (Q00A0103) Catherine M. Kafer, Director (410) 339-5078 CASE MANAGEMENT e-mail: gregory.werner@maryland.gov, ASSISTANT WARDEN MAINTENANCE TECHNOLOGY Jay E. Miller, Manager (410) 585-3489; e-mail: jay.miller@maryland.gov Veronica Moore, Executive Director (410) 585-3830; e-mail: veronica.moore@maryland.gov Emerson G. Todd, Industrial Hygienist (443) 463-3257 James J. Wilson, Administrator (240) 420-1685; e-mail: jamesj.wilson@maryland.gov, NORTH BRANCH CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION (Cumberland) Carla L. Smith, Director (410) 875-3401 OFFICE OF FIELD OPERATIONS ASSISTANT WARDEN INVESTIGATIONS The right to be treated with fairness, dignity and respect. e-mail: monyetta.montgomery@maryland.gov e-mail: david.reitz@maryland.gov, INTELLIGENCE & INVESTIGATIVE DIVISION Territories Financial Support Center (TFSC), Tribal Financial Management Center (TFMC), Maryland Dept of Public Safety and Correctional Services. Vacancy, Director (Q00S0208, formerly Q00B0701, formerly . Monika L. Brittingham, Chief of Security (410) 845-4000, ext. 0000043918 00000 n e-mail: tyrell.wilson@maryland.gov, ASSISTANT WARDEN CENTRAL REGION (Baltimore City & Baltimore County) Vacancy, Manager (410) 845-4078 Michelle Zollicoffer, Coordinator (410) 585-3327 Louis F. Karko, Manager (410) 986-5940; e-mail: louis.karko@maryland.gov (Q00S0202, formerly Q00B0203, formerly CENTRAL HOME DETENTION UNIT The composition and role of the classification team is explained. RELIGIOUS SERVICES SECRETARIAL SERVICES UNIT e-mail: amaro.thiam@maryland.gov, CUSTOMER SUPPORT SERVICES Maryland Executive Commissions, Committees, Task Forces, & Advisory Boards CASE MANAGEMENT UNIT Appointed by Director, Federal Bureau of Prisons: one vacancy e-mail: james.flood@maryland.gov REGIONAL OFFICES OF COMMUNITY SUPERVISION e-mail: luke.montgomery@maryland.gov FOOD SERVICES Flowers, Manager (410) 545-8159; e-mail: gina.flowers@maryland.gov FY2023 appropriation: $60,285,167; authorized positions: Photo by Diane F. Evartt. Kyia P. Underwood, Personnel Officer (410) 799-7592 (Q00T0402, formerly Q00T0402, Q00P0002, MAINTENANCE BALTIMORE PRE-RELEASE UNIT Michael A. Kwitkowski, Psy.D., Director (410) 799-3318 STAFF TRAINING EDUCATION (Q00T0407, formerly Q00T0204, formerly Q00B0307, formerly Q00B0610, and POST-RELEASE, RECORDS & DECISION UNITS NORTH BRANCH CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION (Cumberland) Cleveland C. Friday, Warden (410) 540-6353 SECURITY SUBSTANCE ABUSE TREATMENT SERVICES OFFICE OF INVESTIGATION, INTELLIGENCE, & FUGITIVE APPREHENSION Nurudeen O. Matti, Warden (410) 878-3500, (410) 878-4100 COMMUNITY SUPERVISION Robert S. Weisengoff, Director (410) 986-5909; e-mail: robert.weisengoff@maryland.gov PSYCHOLOGICAL SERVICES Michelle A. Mann, Chief of Security (410) 878-4111; e-mail: michelle.mann@maryland.gov Appointed by Governor: three vacancies Appointed by Department Secretaries: Kathrine Thompson, Department of Budget & Management; Brenda Lee, Department of Commerce; Mark Riesett, Department of General Services; Calvin Johnson, Maryland Department of Health; Curtis J. Murray, Department of Human Resources; vacancy, Department of Transportation; Daniel D. Schuster, Maryland Higher Education Commission. FISCAL SERVICES Gina J. Vacancy, Chief Hearing Officer (410) 585-3713 Julia H. Webster, Administrator (410) 845-4000, ext. Dionne Randall, Assistant Warden (410) 545-8281 e-mail: simon.wainwright@maryland.gov web: http://dpscs.maryland.gov/agencies/igo.shtml, Robin S. Woolford, Deputy Director (410) 585-3835; e-mail: robin.woolford@maryland.gov, OFFICE OF PROPERTY & FLEET MANAGEMENT SERVICES (Q00B0101, formerly 35.02.00) COVID-19 deficiency spending totals $5 million in fiscal 2021. OFFICE OF FIELD OPERATIONS Vacancy, Chair (chosen by Commission in Nov., 1-year term) Karen Darby, Coordinator (410) 585-3348 Appointed by Governor upon legislative nomination to 3-year terms: Michael Hicks, Director (410) 209-4362 CORRECTIONAL SECURITY (Q00T0405, formerly Q00T0403, formerly Q00P0003, VOLUNTEER SERVICES Winnie R. Mott, Chief of Security (410) 799-7277e-mail: winnie.mott@maryland.gov 4105; e-mail: monika.brittingham@maryland.gov CASE MANAGEMENT, EAST COMPOUND Lisa O. Arnquist, Deputy Counsel, Personnel & Procurement (410) 585-3071; e-mail: lisa.arnquist@maryland.gov Flowers, Manager (410) 545-8159; e-mail: gina.flowers@maryland.gov, Search the Manual MARYLAND CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION - HAGERSTOWN Appointed by Governor upon recommendation of the Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services: 4085; e-mail: debora.darden@maryland.gov Calvin Wilson, Warden (410) 625-5221 FINANCE Vacancy, Director (410) 585-3925 SECURITY Monika L. Brittingham, Chief of Security (410) 845-4000, ext. MARYLAND CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION - JESSUP Cleveland C. Friday, Warden (410) 540-6353 PSYCHIATRY SERVICES HAROLD E. DONNELL PRE-RELEASE FACILITY 5201 John Gauthier, Acting Director (410) 585-3278 Appointed by Governor: three vacancies Vacancy, Chair (chosen by Board) Vice, Personnel Officer (410) 539-5445, ext. PERSONNEL Vacancy, Deputy Director (410) 875-3602 of Public Safety & Correctional Services; Mary Ann Thompson, President, Maryland Correctional Administrators Association; Melinda C. Grenier, President, Maryland Criminal Justice Association; Scott A. Adams, President, Maryland Sheriffs' Association. Robert W. Turner, Jr., Acting Administrator (410) 810-5400; e-mail: robert.turner@maryland.gov, DIVISION OF PAROLE & PROBATION Joseph Sedtal, Director (443) 469-5864 Carlos D. Bivens, Warden (240) 420-3100 Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. MARYLAND CORRECTIONAL ENTERPRISES MANAGEMENT COUNCIL FY2023 appropriation: ; authorized positions: Diane E. Fleischman, Personnel Officer (240) 420-1375; e-mail: diane.fleischman@maryland.gov FY2023 appropriation: ; authorized positions: CUSTOMER COUNCIL Vacancy, Director (410) 540-5405, Chair: Stephen D. Sanders, Chief Executive Officer, Maryland Correctional Enterprises. Thomas P. Martin, Director (410) 585-3320 STAFF TRAINING Simon T. Wainwright, Warden (410) 230-1400 Appointed by House Speaker: Mark S. Chang MAINTENANCE COMMITMENT & CLASSIFICATION Photo by Diane F. Evartt. Tyrell A. Wilson, Chief of Security (410) 545-8107 BOARD OF REVIEW JAIL REVIEW (Q00S0201, formerly Q00B0202, formerly CASE MANAGEMENT Maryland Counties COMMITMENT & CLASSIFICATION Tracey D. Harvin, Director (410) 209-4131 HEALTH SERVICES CUSTOMER COUNCIL SOUTHERN REGION Vacancy, Chair (chosen by Committee) EDUCATION CITIZENS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS - SOMERSET COUNTY CENTRAL HOME DETENTION UNIT POLICY, PROCEDURES & AUDITS SCHOOL & SPECIAL INMATE PROJECTS e-mail: dionne.randolph@maryland.gov Eastern Correctional Institution, 30420 Revells Neck Road, Westover, Maryland, May 2017. (formerly Q00C0202, Ashley Lohr, Executive Director; e-mail: ashley.lohr@maryland.gov Appointed by Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services: one vacancy Each time an inmate goes to team, hewill receive a progress update and new recommendations as warranted. Ronald S. Weber, Warden (301) 729-7001 e-mail: gregory.werner@maryland.gov DIVISION OF PRETRIAL DETENTION & SERVICES Geneva Holland, Administrator (301) 274-4701; e-mail: geneva.holland@maryland.gov TRAINING e-mail: michael.kwitkowski@maryland.gov Erin B. Shaffer, Psy.D., Director (appointed by Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services) (410) 799-3300 SECURITY Calvin Wilson, Warden (410) 625-5221 SOCIAL WORK The Maryland Correctional Institution for Women (MCIW) is located in Jessup, Maryland. e-mail: stephen.sanders@maryland.gov ASSISTANT WARDEN SECURITY Christopher S. Smith,, Warden (410) 540-6700 Kevin A. Baylin, Assistant Director (443) 263-3844 Beverly E. Wilson, Assistant Director (410) 585-3690; e-mail: beverly.wilson@maryland.gov Fiscal Year 2016. Christopher S. Smith,, Warden (410) 540-6700 STAFF TRAINING Appointed by Governor upon legislative nomination to 3-year terms: RELEASE UNIT (Q00A0204) Dionne Randolph, Commissioner of Pretrial Detention & Services FY2023 appropriation: $56,450,804; authorized positions: 182 COMMITMENT & CLASSIFICATION DIVISION OF CORRECTION Vacancy, Administrator (410) 585-3232 DIVISION OF PROCUREMENT SERVICES e-mail: oig@dpscs.state.md.us MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SERVICES FY2023 appropriation: $83,548,611; authorized positions: RELIGIOUS SERVICES SOCIAL WORK STAFF TRAINING Appointed by Governor to 3-year terms: Melvin Forbes, 2023; Jack R. Weber, Jr., 2023; three vacancies. FY2023 appropriation: $12,871,468; authorized positions: HEALTH SERVICES Lynda M. Bonieskie, Ph.D., Director of Mental Health, Patuxent Institution (410) 339-5000 (formerly Q00B06, formerly 35.02.06) e-mail: emmanuel.nzeadighibe@maryland.gov (formerly Q00C0202, COMMUNITY SURVEILLANCE & ENFORCEMENT FY2023 appropriation: $99,044,761; authorized positions: OFFICE OF SPECIAL PROGRAMS (Q00C0201, formerly Q00C02, formerly 35.03.02) Vacancy, Deputy Commissioner of Correction (410) 585-3448 Christina Lentz, Acting Deputy Secretary, Administration (410) 339-3731 <> FY2023 appropriation: $261,515,549; authorized positions: 1,793.6 INTERSTATE COMPACT UNIT (Q00S0206, formerly Q00B0605, formerly e-mail: carol.harmon@maryland.gov CITIZENS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS - SOMERSET COUNTY VOLUNTEER SERVICES Md. Vacancy, Director (410) 540-5405, ADMINISTRATION Robert W. Turner, Jr., Acting Administrator (410) 810-5400; e-mail: robert.turner@maryland.gov e-mail: mark.rowley@maryland.gov, INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Diane E. Fleischman, Personnel Officer (240) 420-1375; e-mail: diane.fleischman@maryland.gov FOOD SERVICE SOCIAL WORK Sgt. COMMITMENT SERVICES endobj DIVISION OF PRETRIAL DETENTION & SERVICES Kevin A. Baylin, Assistant Director (443) 263-3844 0000043688 00000 n William S. Bohrer, Warden (240) 420-1400 Maryland Departments RELIGIOUS SERVICES (Q00S0301) 87 24 Michelle Zollicoffer, Coordinator (410) 585-3327 SECURITY Appointed by Chancellor, University System of Maryland: Joseph Evans e-mail: frederick.abello@maryland.gov, OPERATIONS ASSISTANT WARDEN e-mail: simon.wainwright@maryland.gov DORSEY RUN CORRECTIONAL FACILITY Chrys Bandon-Bibum, Assistant Director (410) 585-3041 VOLUNTEER SERVICES OFFENDER MANAGEMENT & BUSINESS INNOVATION (Q00T0405, formerly Q00T0403, formerly Q00P0003, Ashley L. Lohr, Acting Chief Operating Officer (410) 540-5405; e-mail: ashley.lohr@maryland.gov MAINTENANCE EASTERN CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION (Westover) Damean B. Stewart, Chief of Security (410) 379-6020; e-mail: damean.stewart@maryland.gov Maryland Municipalities e-mail: taofeek.adewumi@maryland.gov e-mail: james.harris1@maryland.gov, EASTERN CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION (Westover) FY2023 appropriation: $129,891,219; authorized positions: WESTERN CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION (Allegany County) FOOD SERVICES Maryland Departments Ronald S. Weber, Warden (301) 729-7001 CORRECTIONAL TRAINING COMMISSION OFFICE OF LEASE MANAGEMENT Vacancy, Chair (chosen by Committee) e-mail: jeff.nines@maryland.gov CITIZENS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS - HAGERSTOWN REGION CASE MANAGEMENT Keith K. Arnold, Assistant Warden (301) 729-7505; e-mail: keith.arnold@maryland.gov Bradley O. Butler, Assistant Warden (301) 729-7005; e-mail: bradley.butler@maryland.gov, SECURITY DORSEY RUN CORRECTIONAL FACILITY OPERATIONS SECURITY AUDIT REVIEW TEAM LIAISON AGENT WAIVER UNIT PERSONNEL (Q00S0209) FY2023 appropriation: $476,959; authorized positions: Angel Savage-Price, Director (410) 585-3310; e-mail: asavage-price@maryland.gov e-mail: kevin.baylin@maryland.gov PERSONNEL e-mail: tdharvin@dpscs.state.md.us, SUPPORT & TECHNOLOGY SERVICES ADMINISTRATION & CASE PROCESSING FY2023 appropriation: ; authorized positions: 2020). RELIGIOUS SERVICES e-mail: andrea.king-wessels@maryland.gov PROGRAMS & SERVICES FOOD SERVICE Ex officio: Erin B. Shaffer, Psy.D., Director, Patuxent Institution; Orlando Johnson, Acting Warden, Patuxent Institution; Leslie A. Earll, M.D., Associate Director, Patuxent Institution; Michael A. Kwitkowski, Psy.D., Associate Director, Patuxent Institution. JESSUP CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTION e-mail: errol.etting@maryland.gov FY2023 appropriation: $261,515,549; authorized positions: 1,793.6 SOCIAL WORK Patricia Weber-Wolford, Chair (chosen by Committee), 1999 e-mail: karen.darby@maryland.gov Vice, Personnel Officer (410) 539-5445, ext. Louis F. Karko, Manager (410) 986-5940; e-mail: louis.karko@maryland.gov (Q00B0101, formerly 35.02.00) OFFICE OF EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY (Allegany, Carroll, Frederick, Garrett, Harford, Howard, Montgomery & Washington Counties) ASSISTANT WARDEN e-mail: catherinem.kafer@maryland.gov e-mail: michael.hicks@maryland.gov EDUCATION 6015 Photo by Diane F. Evartt. VOLUNTEER SERVICES SECURITY Thomas P. Martin, Director (410) 585-3320 Frederick T. Abello, Warden (410) 545-8105 VOLUNTEER SERVICES Geneva Holland, Administrator (301) 274-4701; e-mail: geneva.holland@maryland.gov VOLUNTEER SERVICES CITIZENS' ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS - CUMBERLAND REGION HAROLD E. DONNELL PRE-RELEASE FACILITY ASSISTANT WARDEN Fiscal Year 2015. David C. Greene, Assistant Warden (410) 379-6313; e-mail: david.greene@maryland.gov e-mail: monyetta.montgomery@maryland.gov PUBLIC SAFETY EDUCATION & TRAINING CENTER Angelina M. Boyd-White, Chief of Security (410) 625-5218; e-mail: angelina.boyd@maryland.gov e-mail: denice.ambrose@maryland.gov MARYLAND RECEPTION, DIAGNOSTIC & CLASSIFICATION CENTER (Baltimore) Gregory A. Werner, Warden (240) 420-1300 Carol F. Harmon, Warden (410) 379-3801 ASSISTANT WARDEN Vacancy, Director (410) 585-3725 CASE MANAGEMENT e-mail: orlando.johnson@maryland.gov DORSEY RUN CORRECTIONAL FACILITY Valerie E. Ferrell, Coordinator (410) 585-3336 MARYLAND POLICE TRAINING & STANDARDS COMMISSION MEDICAL SUPERVISION ADMINISTRATION & CASE PROCESSING FY2023 appropriation: $71,099,854; authorized positions: PERSONNEL Photo by Diane F. Evartt. FIELD SERVICES ADDICTIONS ASSESSMENT UNIT SOCIAL WORK FY2023 appropriation: $10,333,736; authorized positions: 69.8 Vacancy, Chair (chosen by Committee) Appointed by Governor upon legislative nomination to 3-year terms: Diane E. Fleischman, Personnel Officer (240) 420-1375; e-mail: diane.fleischman@maryland.gov Barbara A. Kittrell, Deputy Director (410) 585-5042; e-mail: barbara.kittrell1@maryland.gov CLINICAL SERVICES Linda L. Dodge, Administrative Officer (410) 585-3256; e-mail: linda.dodge@maryland.gov SECURITY Errol E. Etting, Director (appointed by Secretary of Public Safety & Correctional Services) (410) 724-5720 Operations - Division of Correction. Vacancy, Director (410) 585-3925 Chair: Stephen D. Sanders, Chief Executive Officer, Maryland Correctional Enterprises MAINTENANCE Oregon Department of Corrections Pennsylvania Bureau of Inmate Services Rhode Island Department of Correction . 0000001499 00000 n QUEEN ANNE'S COUNTY PERSONNEL (Q00R0201, formerly Q00B0401, formerly e-mail: annie.harvey@maryland.gov 5201 Michelle A. Mann, Chief of Security (410) 878-4111; e-mail: michelle.mann@maryland.gov
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