Trochlear nerve palsy can also occur as part of a broader syndrome related to causes like trauma, neoplasm, infection, and inflammation. MRI may show an infarction in the tegmentum of the midbrain, affecting the fascicle of the fourth nerve. Next: Physical. Larson SA, Weed M. Brown syndrome outcomes: a 40-year retrospective analysis. Individuals. Differentiation between IO palsy and SO restriction of Browns can be done using Forced Duction Test. Bilateral CN IV palsy might show bilateral excyclotorsion. [2] Ductional testing may be normal however or only show mild depression deficit in adduction with trochlear nerve palsies. Could demonstrate that the fundus of the affected eye is excyclotorted. Passing through the trochlea it changes direction, passes deep to the superior rectus muscle, and inserts into the superior . Microvascular disease can involve CN IV and usually in older patients with cardiovascular risk factors. For uncertain reasons, Brown syndrome is more commonly found in the right eye than the left eye. The role of restricted motility in determining outcomes for vertical strabismus surgery in Graves ophthalmology. [4][17], Other features: Mild extorsion (<10); compensatory head tilt to the contralateral side and face turn towards the contralateral shoulder, sometimes associated with a facial asymmetry; contralateral inferior rectus overaction (fallen eye)[4]; large vertical fusional amplitudes when congenital.[4][2]. Incomitant strabismus associated with instability of rectus pulleys. Congenital Brown's Syndrome: Intraoperative Findings Surgical Procedures and Postoperative Results Andreea Ciubotaru Brave Inferior Oblique Vincent Paris Early Strabismus Surgery can improve Facial Asymmetry in Anterior PlagiocephalyLeila S Mohan Superior Oblique Tendon Elongation with Bovine Pericardium (Tutopatch) for Brown Syndrome. The majority of patients have a congenital form of the syndrome but acquired inflammatory cases have been . Patients can also develop a compensatory head tilt in the direction away from the affected muscle. When the head is tilted, extorsion and intorsion movements are executed. Additional fourth step to distinguish from skew deviation. Acquired Brown syndrome. It is frequently bilateral and associated with a horizontal strabismus, although it may be isolated. Urist MJ. J Neuro-Ophthalmology. Brown syndrome (BS) is a rare ocular motility disorder characterized by a limitation of elevation in adduction of the eye. JS Crawford, Surgical treatment of true Brown's syndrome, American journal of ophthalmology, 1976. For example, workup for a suspected inflammatory etiology may require laboratory testing, while suspected trauma may prompt additional imaging., DOI: Best Pract Res Clin Endocrinol Metab. 20 However, results for pattern XT and with Duane syndrome-related upshoot were variable. Several theories have been put forth to explain the occurrence of pattern in horizontal strabismus. Print. Lueder GT, Scott WE, Kutschke PJ, Keech RV. On version testing Brown syndrome might be confused with an inferior oblique muscle (IO) palsy. The IV nerve then courses around the cerebellar peduncle and travels between the superior cerebellar and posterior cerebral arteries in the subarachnoid space. It often coexists with an intermittent exotropia or other forms of horizontal strabismus. CN IV has the longest intracranial course and is vulnerable to damage, even with relatively mild trauma. Knapp P: Vertically incomitant horizontal strabismus, the so-called A and V syndromes. J. Berke RN. The .gov means its official. : Craniosynostosis; extorted orbit), Iatrogenic (ex. It can be caused by an adherence of the inferior rectus to the orbital floor following a traumatic fracture, giving rise to a muscle slack in front of the adherence. In Browns syndrome there is a Y-pattern, whereas a lambda pattern is present in SO overaction and an A pattern in IO paresis. We present the work-up and treatment for 25 patients with inferior oblique palsy, including 2 with bilateral inferior oblique palsy and 23 with unilateral inferior oblique palsy. Flowchart showing various theories for pattern strabismus. If vertical deviation in primary position of gaze, attributable to a restriction of the IR on forced ductions: Inferior rectus recession. Das VE, Fu LN, Mustari MJ, Tusa RJ. Figure 1. Kushner BJ. Congenital Fibrosis of the Extraocular Muscles: May affect any extraocular muscle, but sometimes affects solely the inferior rectus. Ugolini G, Klam F, Dans MD. This disorder results from a dysfunction in the tendon of the superior oblique muscle ( Hargrove, Fleming, & Kerr, 2004 ). 1996 Jan;208(1):37-47. doi: 10.1055/s-2008-1035166. A next step in naming and classification of eye movement disorders and strabismus. : Following superior rectus weakening procedures, glaucoma surgery, oculoplastic surgery, scleral buckle insertion. We would like to extend sincere thanks to Mr. Vinay Gupta, BSc Optometry, for the contribution of figures in this chapter. Common Neuro-Ophthalmic Pitfalls: Case-Based Teaching. Strabismus after retinal detachment surgery. In abducted gaze, the SOM acts to intort the eye and abducts the eye. ), Innervational anomaly of the superior division of the III cranial nerve, Neoplastic (ex. Sometimes it can give rise to an acquired Browns syndrome, due to SO contracture (for the differential diagnosis between SO overaction and Browns syndrome, see the differential diagnosis section). Thyroid eye disease leads to enlargement of the extraocular muscles and restrictive strabismus. Surgical: Strabismus surgery has to be postponed until after orbital decompression procedures have been performed and orbital inflammation is controlled. The SOM has different (primary, secondary, and tertiary) actions dependent on mechanical position of the eye. Fundamentally, Brown syndrome results from a limitation of the normal function of the superior oblique tendon-trochlea complex. syndrome should be differentiated from the following conditions: Management of Brown syndrome depends on symptomatology, etiology, and the course of the disease. In: StatPearls [Internet]. If a big V-pattern, with >15DP esotropia in downgaze and >10 extorsion in primary position is present; reversing hypertropias in sidegaze: Bilateral Harada-Ito + bilateral medial rectus recessions with half-tendon width inferior transpositions or superior oblique tendon tuck + bilateral medial rectus recessions with half-tendon width inferior transpositions. The SOM has action that varies depending on the angle between the muscle plane and the visual axis. In the case of a hypertropia, the diplopia is vertical. In the case of a large angle strabismus, a contralateral superior rectus recession may be indicated. 1985. doi:10.1136/bjo.69.7.508. BMC Ophthalmol. Relocate horizontal rectus muscle. Patients with mild or long-standing disease may have blurred vision, difficulty focusing and dizziness instead of diplopia.[1]. b. Downgaze reveals the glaucoma drainage device surrounded by scar tissue, which is creating the restrictive pattern of strabismus. Wright KW, Brown's syndrome: diagnosis and management, Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc. It has been observed in glaucoma patients with an acquired strabismus (see strabismus following glaucoma surgery), due to tunnel vision and forced use of the fovea. 1989 Nov-Dec;34(3):153-72. 2017;78(3):C38-C40. This hypothesis has gained support from the confluence of evidence from a number of independent studies. Congenital fibrosis of the extraocular muscles. Kushner BJ. Brown's Syndrome in the absence of an intact superior oblique muscle. Acute Acquired Brown Syndrome: - University of Iowa Orbital imaging may be considered in patients with craniofacial anomalies and in cases where the cause of the pattern cannot be identified. Hypertropia that increases on adduction and and with ipsilateral head tilt. It is thought to be related to innervational and structural abnormalities of the extraocular muscles. 2018. doi:10.1016/j.ajo.2017.10.019, Purvin VA, Kawasaki A. In this chapter, we will discuss in detail the various types of pattern strabismus, its mechanisms, and the appropriate surgical intervention for the same. Secondary to a contralateral inferior rectus paresis. 1999 May;30(5):396-7. Skew deviation may demonstrate bilateral torsion or incyclotorsion, both of which are inconsistent with fourth nerve palsy. Curr Opin Ophthalmol. Boyd TA, Leitch GT, Budd GE. The trochlear nerve passes adjacent to the ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve and the two share a connective tissue sheath. [1][2], Congenital 2013. doi:10.1212/WNL.0b013e3182a031ea, Wong AMF, Colpa L, Chandrakumar M. Ability of an upright-supine test to differentiate skew deviation from other vertical strabismus causes. If congenital, the intorsion is frequently only objective and not subjective, since there is sensory adaptation. Optic pit Definition/Back - Coloboma, small recess at disc rim National Library of Medicine PDF Fourth Cranial Nerve Palsy and Brown Syndrome: Two Interrelated - CORE Head PositionDependent Changes in Ocular Torsion and Vertical Misalignment in Skew Deviation. Surgical Management of Primary Inferior Oblique Muscle Overaction: A There is a small left hypertropia in primary position that increases in left gaze and with head tilt to the left, the 3-step pattern consistent with this diagnosis. PubMedGoogle Scholar, 2017 Springer International Publishing AG, Kushner, B.J. predisposition to congenital Brown syndrome, however, most cases are sporadic in nature. Pusateri TJ, Sedwick LA, Margo CE. Computed tomography (CT) scan is generally the first line imaging study in trauma but is often normal. Nearly three fourths (71.4%) of the children had a IVth cranial nerve palsy, primary inferior oblique overaction, Brown syndrome, or a vertical tropia in the setting of an abnormal central nervous . Brown Late overcorrections are frequent. Gregersen E, Rindziunski E. Brown's syndrome. This is a preview of subscription content, access via your institution. nerve palsy and Brown syndrome, it is instructive to briefly review the evolution in our understanding of Duane retrac-tion syndrome, the prototypical CCDD. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan. They can present with vertical diplopia, torsional diplopia, head tilt, and ipsilateral hypertropia. 2004. Mazow ML,Avilla CW. There is a large differential for secondary causes of Brown syndrome, including inflammation, trauma, tendon cysts, previous sinusitis, orbital tumors, and iatrogenic causes such as orbital or strabismus surgery. Amblyopia is generally absent. Brown syndrome is a rare form of strabismus characterized by limited elevation of the affected eye. Neuro-ophthalmology Illustrated Chapter 13 - Diplopia 5 - 4th Nerve Palsy Ventura MP, Vianna R , SouzaJ, Solari HPand Curi RLN. American Academy of Ophthalmology. Special focus should be given to the sensory-motor examination, including strabismus measurements in all cardinal positions of gaze, ocular motility, and binocular function/stereopsis. Oxford UP, NY. [4]Sometimes it can be associated with congenital inferior rectus restriction, superior rectus palsy [29] or both. Direction of vertical displacement of horizontal recti in pattern strabismus- Medial rectus is shifted towards the apex and lateral rectus is shifted towards the base of A or V pattern. Other features: Chin elevation[2]and ipsilateral true or pseudo-ptosis. High myopia, where a posterior staphyloma misplaces the lateral rectus inferiorly. Stager DR Jr, Parks MM, Stager DR Sr, Pesheva M. Long-term results of silicone expander for moderate and severe Brown syndrome (Brown syndrome "plus"). Does the hypertropia worsen in left or right head tilt? J AAPOS. The trochlear nucleus is in the midbrain, dorsal to the medial longitudinal fasciculus at the level of the inferior colliculus. (Courtesy of Vinay Gupta, BSc Optometry), Figure 4. These muscles adduct, depress, and elevate the eye. Acquired Brown syndrome cases may also undergo spontaneous resolution, and thus early surgical intervention is not recommended. It is the most common cause of an isolated vertical deviation. Improvement of congenital Brown syndrome has been described in up to 75% of cases. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. If there is a HYPO in primary gaze, congenital cases typically assume a chin-up and/or face turn toward the unaffected eye to fuse. In their absence, upshifts or downshifts of the horizontal recti insertion can be planned. Other features: Larger extorsion than in unilateral paresis (>10); esotropia increasing in down gaze (>10) V pattern of the ''arrow subtype''. Conclusions: Based on . 2020;101383. Part of Springer Nature. This patient had no abnormal neurologic findings. Parks MM, Eustis HS. Harrad R. Management of strabismus in thyroid eye disease. The site is secure. [4] Sometimes bilateral involvement can be masked due to an asymmetrical involvement. Graves' ophthalmopathy. Doc Ophthalmol. Errors in the Three-step Test in the Diagnosis of Vertical Strabismus. Isolated third, fourth, and sixth cranial nerve palsies from presumed microvascular versus other causes: A prospective study. These include the ipsilateral depressors - the superior oblique and inferior rectus or the contralateral elevators - the superior rectus and inferior oblique. 2004. About 17 eyes of 17 children with congenital Brown's syndrome underwent superior oblique split tendon elongation between January 2012 and March 2020 by a single surgeon. Vertical Strabismus. Taylor & Hoyt's Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus, by Scott R. Lambert and Christopher J. Lyons, Elsevier, 2017, pp. Piotr Loba If cosmetically intolerable or if noticeable: If associated with an IO overaction: Sole IO graded anteriorization, If associated with an SO overaction: Treat the A pattern with horizontal muscle transpositions, or an undercorrected SO weakening procedure, since the latter may aggravate the symptoms of DVD, If both eyes can fixate: Bilateral SR recessions, with asymmetric recessions if asymmetric, If overcorrected: Associate an IR plication or resection. official website and that any information you provide is encrypted Pseudo patterns must be ruled out by measuring the deviations after prescribing appropriate refractive correction or observing the deviation under cover to prevent fusion. Springer, Cham. Evaluation of ocular torsion and principles of management. Spoor TC, Shippman S. Myasthenia Gravis Presenting as an Isolated Inferior Rectus Paresis. Nineteen patients were adults over the age of 21 years, and six were children under the age of 10 years. Etiology and outcomes of adult superior oblique palsies: a modern series. Fever, headache, neck stiffness may be associated with meningitis. Leibovitch I, Wormald P, Iatrogenic Brown's Syndrome During Endoscopic Sinus Surgery With Powered Instruments. The terminology regarding Brown syndrome has varied and was often confusing. Manley, DR and Rizwan, AA. A new treatment for A and V patterns in strabismus by slanting muscle insertions. 2009;13:1168. Apart from the basic strabismus work-up, the additional assessment needed in the presence of patterns is to look for: The management of pattern strabismus can be difficult. During surgery, Brown discovered a shortened tendon sheath of the superior oblique tendon, which was thought to restrict passive elevation movement in the adducted field. The IV nerve then courses around the cerebellar peduncle and travels between the superior cerebellar and posterior cerebral arteries in the subarachnoid space. Brown Syndrome - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics [4], Other features: Abduction and extorsion. It frequently coexists with an underaction of the contralateral IR and intermittent exotropia. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative, Over 10 million scientific documents at your fingertips, Not logged in -. In: Strabismus. 2011. Patients with BS can have a widening of the palpebral fissure in. Inferior Oblique Muscle Overaction: Clinical Features and - Hindawi This page has been accessed 120,859 times. If horizontal recti are displaced superior- or inferiorly, they act as additional elevators or depressors. Idiopathic 2020 Jan;117(1):1-18. doi: 10.1007/s00347-019-00988-4. In the case of a coexisting DVD, particular care has to be taken since SO weakening procedures may worsen this entity. V and A patterns may result simulating oblique muscle paresis/overactions. Tip: You can draw the cardinal positions of gaze as above and circle: 1) the bottom muscles on the higher eye and top muscles on the lower eye, 2) the muscles to the patient's right in both eyes if worse in right gaze or to the patient's left in both eyes if worse in left gaze, 3) the muscles in line with whichever direction the head tilt is worse. Clinical photograph of the patient showing A-pattern exotropia associated with bilateral superior oblique overaction. PDF Final Programme - ESA Congress, Zagreb 2023 Ex. Incidence and Types of Childhood Hypertropia A Population-Based Study, Mollan SP, Edwards JH,Price A, Abbott J, BurdonA. Clinical photograph of the patient showing A-pattern esotropia. [4]. Pseudo-Brown syndrome encompasses acquired and intermittent cases, as well as cases not due to superior oblique muscle-tendon pathology. In cases of acquired Brown syndrome, a thorough orbital examination should be performed with special attention to the trochlear area. Castro O, Johnson LD, Mamourian AC. The degree of misalignment should be determined for at least primary, horizontal, and vertical gazes and in head tilt. Sharma P, Halder M, Prakash P. Torsional changes in surgery for A-V phenomena. Loss of fusion and the development of A or V patterns. Forced ductions show that this is due to restriction, not inferior oblique paresis (1, 2). Examiners should consider obtaining the following: visual acuity, motility evaluation, binocular function and stereopsis, strabismus measurements at near, distance, and in the cardinal positions of gaze, and evaluation of ocular structures in the anterior and posterior segments. The pathophysiology of this phenomenon is multifactorial and has been attributed to factors including oblique muscle dysfunction, horizontal or vertical recti anomaly, displacement of muscle pulleys, and orbital anomalies. Proptosis, chemosis, and orbital edema may also be seen. This suggests a central CN IV palsy. Superior oblique split tendon elongation for Brown's syndrome: Long (2017). There is evidence of chronicity as shown by the following: Overaction of the ipsilateral inferior oblique in adduction (the eye shoots up in adduction) Introduction. But there is no clear consensus on the exact pathophysiology of patterns in comitant horizontal strabismus. Introduction. Quantitative Intraoperative Torsional Forced Duction Test Heterotopic muscle pulleys or oblique muscle dysfunction? Is not perceived by the patient, but rather by the observer. Of note, as patients are most symptomatic on upgaze, normal growth can decrease symptoms as patients grow taller and have less necessity for upgaze position. . Diagnosis and treatment of inferior oblique palsy - PubMed Fourth Cranial Nerve Palsy and Brown Syndrome: Two - Springer [1] Contents 1Disease Entity Mario Salvi, Davide Dazzi, Isabella Pellistri Classification and prediction of the progression of thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy by an artificial neural network. SO lengthening procedures are indicated such as: SO expander, tenotomy, tenectomy. Isolated paralysis of extraocular muscles. The key feature is inability to elevate the adducted eye. Mourits M, Koornneef L, Wiersinga M,Prummel. 2012 Jun;90(4):e310-3. Kushner BJ. Vertically incomitant pattern strabismus is used to describe the type of strabismus wherein the amount of horizontal deviation changes during the excursion of the eye from upgaze to downgaze. An inverse Knapp procedure may be necessary. Does the hypertropia worsen in left or right gaze? X- pattern, It is caused by a tight, contracted lateral rectus. Dissociated vertical deviation: Etiology, mechanism, and associated phenomena.J. So, in a patient with right hypertropia that worsens in left gaze, this suggests either right superior oblique or a left superior rectus involvement. Brown H. Isolated Inferior Oblique Paralysis: An Analysis of 97 Cases. Ophthalmology. For this review, true Brown syndrome is due to congenital cause, with a constant limitation of elevation and a positive traction test secondary to a tight, superior oblique tendon. It is reported in 70% of patients with esotropia and 30% of patients with exotropia. Bartley GB, Gorman CA. Am J Ophthalmol. syndrome can be congenital or acquired, is unilateral in 90% of patients, and has a slight predilection for females. This symptom is rare, when compared to diplopia and the same rules apply for age of patients affected. 2008 Sep-Oct;23(5):291-3. Superior oblique muscle paresis and restriction secondary to orbital mucocele. Right inferior oblique muscle palsy - American Academy of Ophthalmology A tendon cyst or a mass may be palpable in the superonasal orbital. In this procedure it is important to keep the anterior IO fibres posterior to the IR insertion in order to avoid a hypercorrection and consequent hypodeviation. syndrome is a vertical strabismus syndrome characterized by limited elevation of the eye in an adducted position, most often secondary to mechanical restriction of the superior oblique tendon/trochlea complex. The trochlear nerve has the longest intracranial course of all of the cranial nerves. The incidence of Brown's Syndrome was unrelated to tuck size. The trochlear nerve gains entry to the orbit via the superior orbital fissure, passes outside the tendinous ring of Zinn and innervates the SOM. If due to restriction and minimal hypertropia in primary gaze: resection of the ipsilateral IR. It is very important to correctly diagnose the cause of A and V patterns, because one may have the false impression of oblique muscle affection. The amount of suppression, which can vary from small suppression scotomas in binocular fusion to large suppression areas on the affected side and amblyopia, depends on various factors such as the size of the strabismus and age of onset. Various inferior oblique weakening procedures are: Various superior oblique weakening procedures are: Video 2: Posterior Tenectomy of Superior Oblique, Figure 10. J AAPOS. In moderate cases, there is no vertical deviation in primary position, but there may be a downshoot in adduction. Brown's syndrome. Ophthalmologe. Inferior Oblique Overaction Over-elevation of the eye in adduction Other features: If primary and bilateral, it gives rise to a Y-pattern, with divergence in upgaze; if secondary, i.e. When the cover is switched back to the right eye again, there is NO upward refixation movement of the left eye. Modified inferior oblique anterior transposition for dissociated In mild cases, there is no vertical deviation in primary position or downshoot in adduction. The procedure of choice is the recession of affected muscles. Hypertropia, that increases on head tilt to the contralateral side. Mims JL 3rd, Wood RC. Vertical strabismus describes a vertical misalignment of the eyes. If masked bilateral involvement or asymmetric involvement is suspected: Bilateral IO graded anteriorization + contralateral IR recession or bilateral graded IO anteriorization + Harada-Ito procedure on the more affected side. Instruction Courses and Skills Transfer Labs, Program Participant and Faculty Guidelines, LEO Continuing Education Recognition Award, What Practices Are Saying About the Registry, Provider Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System (PECOS), Subspecialty/Specialized Interest Society Directory, Subspecialty/Specialized Interest Society Meetings, Minority Ophthalmology Mentoring Campaign, Global Programs and Resources for National Societies, Patient-Reported Outcomes with LASIK Symptoms and Satisfaction, Steeper corneas and allergies may lead to faster keratoconus progression in kids, ROP treated with ranibizumab or low-dose bevacizumab may need re-treatment, Effect of Overminus Lens Therapy on Myopia Progression, Update on Atropine in Pediatric Ophthalmology, Peripheral Defocus Contact Lenses for Myopia Progression, International Society of Refractive Surgery., Elevation deficit and VS worst in adduction, occasional over-depression in adduction, Elevation deficit and VS worst in adduction, Depression deficit and VS worst in adduction, Worse with ipsilateral tilt, alternates if bilateral, Over-elevation in adduction. It most often occurs as a congenital condition. It manifests when binocular fusion is interrupted either by occlusion or by spontaneous dissociation. Depending on which eye is fixing, a hypertropia of one eye is the same as a hypotropia of the fellow eye. An acquired oculomotor nerve palsy (OMP) results from damage to the third cranial nerve. JAMA Ophthalmol. Worth 4 dot and Bagolini lenses can be used to evaluate for suppression. : Left inferior oblique paresis causes a right hypertropia on right and up gaze and head tilt to the right. 2023 Feb 13. It is the thinnest, and longest cranial nerve. [4] A vertical deviation in primary position is more frequently associated with a unilateral or asymmetric SO paresis. Leads to a depression deficit/ vertical misalignment that is worst when the affected eye is abducted and with contralateral head tilt. Pineles SL, Velez FG, Elliot RL, Rosenbaum AL. In the case of orbital floor fracture with IR affection: If 8-15PD in primary position: Unilateral IR recession. Tenotomy of the superior oblique for hypertropia. Saxena R, Singh D, Chandra A, Sharma P. Adjustable anterior and nasal transposition of inferior oblique muscle in case of torsional diplopia in superior oblique palsy. Oblique muscle weakening is the preferred approach in the presence of oblique muscle overactions. More recently, it is thought that the problem is not the sheath, but rather the tendon itself, that undergoes increased tension. Brown's syndrome - Wikipedia 2013. doi:10.1016/j.ophtha.2013.04.009, Lee AG. (Courtesy of Vinay Gupta, BSc Optometry), Figure 9. Urrets-Zavalia2 first described the need to identify vertical incomitance in a comitant horizontal strabismus in 1948. (Courtesy of Vinay Gupta, BSc Optometry), Figure 6. The superior oblique muscle is innervated by cranial nerve IV and the lateral rectus muscle by cranial nerve VI. : Strabismus surgery; glaucoma surgery, especially with the Baerveldt device or due to a mass effect caused by the bubble, The impacted muscle will be a depressor of the higher eye (inferior rectus or superior oblique) or a elevator of the lower eye (superior rectus or inferior oblique), Determine in which horizontal gaze the hypertropia is worse, If worse in left gaze, the oblique muscles in the right eye or the vertical recti in the left eye are affected, If worse in right gaze, the oblique muscles in the left eye or vertical recti in the right eye are affected, Determine in which head tilt the deviation is the worse, If worse in right tilt, the right eye intorters (superior oblique and superior rectus) or left eye extorters (inferior oblique and inferior rectus) are affected, If worse in left tilt, the left eye intorters (superior oblique and superior rectus) or right eye extorters (inferior oblique and inferior rectus) are affected.
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