He also did 3 tours in Vietnam as well. Ft Polk TIGER LAND has its special place and its reputation for training 11bravos. CBOLC is conducted in four phases. Thanks. Youre going to have to know what Brigade,Battalion and Company he was in, Basic Training Company or AIT, I was a Drill Sgt. An official website of the United States government, New Extended Battlefield - Multi-Domain Operations, France 44: The Wet Gap Crossings at Nancy, Battles of the Korean War Virtual Staff Rides, https://jts.amedd.army.mil/assets/docs/policies/MRT-DoDI-1322-24.pdf, https://www.army.mil/article/214765/22_week_infantry_osut_pilot_program_trainees_graduate, https://www.army.mil/article/207956/opat_reducing_trainee_attrition_avoiding_millions_, https://www.boundtree.com/university/trauma/military-use-of-chest-seals-and-tourniquets-lessons-for-ems, https://www.army.mil/article/107777/department_of_combat_medic_training_prepares_soldier_medics_, https://www.png.pa.gov/army_national_guard/166th_regiment/Medical-Battalion-Training-Site/Pages/68-CMF-Courses.aspx, https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2018/10/25/new-army-research-institute-will-focus-on-soldier-and-squad-performance/, https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2016/04/25/millennials-may-need-drill-sgts-beyond-basic-army-says/, https://www.army.mil/article/210695/extended_osut_allows_repetition_to_hone_combat_skills_major_general_says, https://www.army.mil/article/211413/top_3_teams_recognized_at_the_2018_army_best_medic_awards_ceremony, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - WEB.mil, A location that could potentially house the training school as well as the ranges, rappel tower, obstacle course, desired training areas, as well as the infrastructure needed for a 68W overhaul is Camp Bullis in San Antonio, Texas. Interesting how your next duty station was based on first letter of last name. The final chapter of the Vietnam War ended for Fort Polk. However, the entire course does not have to be taken in the same year. Back to top of page Can I send my Soldier care packages?Yes. Joe 196th Light Infantry Americal Div. In another 50+ years it will wind up on ebay as a relic? ATTN: ARNO-CS-MU Thank GOD you didnt hit anyone, fool. Fort Sam Houston Training Support Center. Army Personnel: There is no Army reception center at JBSA-Fort Sam Houston. I do seem to remember that my time there started out pretty darn hot and muggy. Questionsor Concerns Army.mil. On Monday, June 28, 2021, the U.S. Army Medical Center of Excellence will conduct a pilot graduation for 14 Soldiers graduating from the 68P Radiology Specialists Course before making the final. May I visit my son or daughter during advance individual training (AIT)?Yes, you will need identification before you can sign them out from the unit. Ironically, I had the records for my basic training company, E-1-2. Sunday. 22-week Infantry OSUT pilot program trainees graduate at forefront of Soldier Lethality. Extended OSUT allows repetition to hone combat skills, major general says. What not to Bring I was at Fort Polk, La. Maj. Gen. Gary M. Brito, commander, U.S. Army Maneuver Center of Excellence and Fort Benning, said If you want to get really good at something, youve got to practice it a lot, whether it be sports or training for combat (Vergun, 2018, para. Hill 270, 350, Maude, the ridge line and others I cant recall. I remember, I was in Genes training company. I get kind of remorse thinking how close i came to getting out of the bush without being wasted or wounded. I was at Tigerland from July-Aug 1970 then orders to the Nam. Yeah, 50 years has gone by in a snap but Vietnam remains with me everyday and the shrapnel in my right forearm and my left ass cheek reminds me I was there. Additionally, each units web page lists a telephone number that you may call for the latest information concerning graduations. Each month, when a list came down, my buddies first checked to see if any of the guys in our company were on there, and told us about it. LOL. for him since he remembers very little information about his friends there. The one guy on my mortar team was Joe Hosey from Kocomo, Indiana. All Army personnel must sign in with their unit S1, who will contact the Joint Personnel Processing Center (JPPC) to schedule an in-processing appointment for the Soldier. Tigerland 1964-66 as a draftee. Click the link below to access chat rooms that are designed specifically for Future Soldiers. Then to Fort Sam AIT 91A10. I was there until Oct. 1968, when I was REFRAD. That place was the grinder. Following the Spanish American War, the post again expanded, this time to house a brigade and accommodate units and troops rotating to the Philippines. The Fort Sam Houston Museum - U.S. Army Center of Military History Fortunately, mine never was. The second phase of schooling is called the whiskey phase and is currently eight weeks long. It is unique among Army posts. Medical Education & Training Campus 3176 CPL Johnson Rd, BLDG 1291 JBSA-Ft Sam Houston, Texas 78234 Phone Number (210) 808-6382. I went through AIT at Fort Polk June through August 1966 then to Nam. Believe it or not, I have good memories of my time there, the friendships and camaraderie. Made SP5 in April, 1968. Half a century ago next October. If you have any photos and wouldnt mind sharing, I would really appreciate it. These files (medical, financial and personnel) will follow you throughout your military career. It Big black guy who drank CC and coke every night. in that specific career field. The Army respects our First Amendment right to practice religion and Sergeants are available to shuttle trainees to various chapels.What about graduation? During their stay in the reception company getting their vaccinations updated, learning a little. Fort Sam Houston (Joint Base San Antonio) Directory After 5 minutes the top ranking officer said soldier, it sounds like you dont want to be an officer. I naively said, well, sir, I really dont. He blew up, yelled at me for wasting their time and bodily threw me out of the office. AIT welcomes back drill sergeants. You were probably there when I came through in Oct. 1966, on a Trailways bus from Houston. Awful tour including malaria, food poisoning twice, agent orange residuals resulting in diabetes, and much more. I enlisted in Dallas and was sent to Basic at Ft. Polk in October 67. The quick build up of US forces in Eurpoe was to deter further Russian aggression. I am his daughter looking for information. I was with a great group of guys and our cadre were excellent. I was in the best shape of my life even better than when I played high school and college baseball. Phone: 210-652-1840 Fax: 210-652-6031 610 Harmon Drive Never went to VN, but processed a lot of guys going. At least one Department of Defense ID card will be checked per vehicle, unless after 10 p.m. Closed Most Federal Holidays. We were from vastly different backgrounds and most of my classmates reservists or guardsmen. Assigned to 4th Bn, 9th Infantry Regiment (Manchus), 25th ID. Fort Sam Houston is home to more than 36,000 active duty and DOD civilians; 48,000 family members; and 76,000 retirees. I was the grunt that left the post about Tigerland and Danang. As the turmoil of the Mexican Revolution threatened the U.S., in 1916 Headquarters, Southern Department oversaw border operations from from the Quadrangle of operations spreading from Texas to Arizona and then into Mexico itself with Pershings famous Punitive Expedition. Personal Documents, make sure someone has access to these documents that you trust or have given power of attorney, Shirt or blouse (no obscene graphics) (no halter tops or cut-off T-shirts), Slacks or jeans without rips or torn (no shorts or cut-offs), Complete underwear (You'll get a mini-physical on ship day, no thongs), Pair of comfortable, shoes (preferred athletic running or cross-training, suitable for walking and running) extended standing (no high heels) and socks. That was the first time I ever heard about agent orange being used at Fort Polk. The name is given in the memory of the first president of Texas, Sam Houston. Learn Army tasks in a fun andinteractive game environment. A welcome surprise on my final day at Polk. For inclement weather notifications and current, automated information on base operating status during a natural disaster, crisis or emergency, call the Straight Talk line: (210) 466-4630. Welcome home Brother. All but a handful went to Nam. If your last name started with A, B, C, or D it was off to Germany. New set, sent me to Ft. Eustis Va. for transportation school. Kinda would have been good to make the 196th transfer to Danang and been there. Program, Technical & Future Soldier They have usually been in the Army for more than 10 years, so they know their job well. Sims in the 2nd Training Bn 1968? I was also was assigned to Company A, Special Troops. Made E-5, Spec.5 in 15 months. Those will be required if you want to fast track. Official military transcripts for education evaluation can be requested at: usarmy.jbsa.medical-coe.list.captains-career-course.operations@mail.mil, usarmy.jbsa.medcom-ameddcs.list.borden-institute-information@mail.mil, usarmy.jbsa.medical-coe.mbx.dotd@army.mil, https://www.tricare.mil/Resources/MedicalRecords, usarmy.jbsa.medical-coe.mesg.32d-med-bde-s3-owner@army.mil, usarmy.jbsa.medical-coe.mbx.187-new-s3@army.mil, usarmy.jbsa.medical-coe.list.c-co-187th-med-bn@army.mil, usarmy.jbsa.medical-coe.mbx.232d-medical-battalion-s1@army.mil, usarmy.jbsa.medical-coe.mbx.232d-medical-battalion-s3@army.mil, usarmy.jbsa.medical-coe.mbx.232d-medical-battalion-s4@army.mil, usarmy.jbsa.medical-coe.mesg.264th-medical-battalion-s3-owner@army.mil, usarmy.jbsa.medical-coe.mbx.dcomm@army.mil, usarmy.jbsa.medical-coe.list.amedd-lessons-learned@army.mil, usarmy.jbsa.medical-coe.mbx.ameddcs-medical-doctrine@army.mil, usarmy.jbsa.medical-coe.mbx.individual-training@army.mil, usarmy.jbsa.medical-coe.mbx.collective-training@army.mil, usarmy.jbsa.medical-coe.mbx.distributed-learning@army.mil, usarmy.jbsa.medical-coe.mbx.medvid@army.mil, usarmy.jbsa.medcom-ameddcs.mbx.registrar@mail.mil, U.S. Army Medical Test and Evaluation Activity, Capabilities Development & Integration Directorate. Fought with the VA for 35 years and finally got 100% disability. Abuse of any kind is not tolerated.How is the Army dealing with sexual harassment?Sexual harassment is unacceptable and has no place in the Army. Was trying to find out in Agent Orange was used in the area while I was training? ME!!! Gary, I understand. Military (Active, Reserve, National Guard, family member, retiree) Training company was directly across the road from Tigerland. When he was a DS at Fort Polk, he couldnt stay away from Vietnam. The CO previously was a NCO infantry soldier in Vietnam and had received a field commission. reply to Frank Torres at ftorres3407@gmail.com this is information is important to me,, Thanks. If you have questions about Army Medicine (MEDCOM), Defense Health Agency, or medical records please visit the websites listed below: U.S. Army Medical Commandhttps://armymedicine.health.mil/, Defense Health Agencyhttps://www.health.mil/, Military Health Recordshttps://www.tricare.mil/Resources/MedicalRecords, For servicing transcripts and diploma requests, records management, and college credit equivalency information contact the Registrar`s Office at:usarmy.jbsa.medical-coe.mbx.registrar@army.mil, Official military transcripts for education evaluation can be requested at:https://jst.doded.mil/jst/, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)https://medcoe.army.mil/faq(210) 221-7380 | DSN: 471-73803630 Stanley Rd, Suite 266JBSA Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234, U.S. Army Medical Center of ExcellenceCommand Office(210) 221-83173630 Stanley Rd, Suite 301JBSA Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234, U.S. Army Medical Center of ExcellenceStaff Duty(210) 221-7681/BB (210) 669-7067Monday-Friday: 1500 hrs. To my beautiful bleeding bastard brothers of 11BRAVO who sweated suffered bitched and complained kicked ass fought and died in the Nam. my dad was a drill sgt here roger burdette wish someone had some pics of him think he was there in 1967-68 and later. On post facilities such as: postal service, legal assistance, medical, recreational, religious services, and post exchange. Did see him again until last week. Personnel with authorized credentials allowing them escort privileges may escort non-ID card-holding personnel in their same vehicle between 5 a.m. and 10 p.m.Escorts are required to remain with and maintain control of their visitors at all times while on the installation. The Combat Medic Specialist Training Program (CMSTP) is the largest medical training program in the U.S. Army, training up to 6,000 students per year. Also the post mentioned the Danang experiences and the atmosphere of the withdraw of troops from Nam at that time. Went to Fort Polk after doing basic at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. U.S. and Turkish Soldiers carry a simulated casualty to a helicopter during rehearsals at Gaziantep, Turkey, Oct. 13, 2018. Each phase must be taken sequentially. Poszesny. Tom Rafferty who later transferred to finance , Vinnie Mulvaney, Tom Kirila, Bill Damrel, Willie Williams, Mineola,Tx are some of the guys I worked with. Lost three buddies during my tour and was wounded myself with schrapnel. Three, we ran to almost every training area. Battalion, What You'll 1. I remember the Stewardess gave us a small paper cup with some liquid that put us out for the entire flight.
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