If we looked into the brain, we would see shifting patterns in the activity of networks and in their connections with each other as the mind moves from one task to another (being vs doing). My previous post was about your experience. And now, for the second part of this practice, the invitation is to gently bring your attention down the legs into the feet, sensing your feet directly without looking at them. Each organization is unique. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines " being " and " doing " as follows: Being the state of existing, the most important or basic part of a person's mind or self Doing the act of. A little reminder that kindness is contagious. Being mode encourages this agile approach to the present moment, and makes us less likely to react habitually to certain triggers. This it will do over and over again. INGs second tracking initiative, started in 2019, combined a 300-person working floor survey with senior leadership interviews across 15 countries. When we do, we miss doing the things that really makes us happy. The new physical environment promoted collaboration and continuous interactions. That would be meditating in a drivendoing mode rather than a being mode because the meditation is driven by the need to become a relaxed person. In this video, we explore the concept of equanimity and its importance in meditation. Being enables you to focus on the present, which in turn raises insights that might have been overlooked, on different areas of your life. This difficulty exists because the state of Being requires us to actively monitor our thoughts, and exercise a certain detachment from our surroundings, while the modern lifestyle keeps us busy and always doing stuff. It's the decisions you make. Therefore, in drivendoing mode, problem-solving tactics can backfire and lead to perpetuation rather than cessation of unwanted mind states. We don't recognize being in the midst of doing. Writes about customer success (mainly) in the SAAS industry and personal development, Being makes you see things differently. December 18, 2022 Anxiety Cagkan/Adobe Stock Read More Anxiety I'm More Than My Anxious ThoughtsAnd So Are You A lifelong high achiever, Melena Kiriaki was afraid she would lose her momentum if she wasn't operating from a place of anxiety. A culture that values "being" focuses on simply being in the world; that is, understanding the world and valuing concepts such as living together in harmony and peace, rather . This formal mechanism had strong cultural implications. being allowing oneself to experience the present moment. As you go about your life, try to take notice of which mental mode youre operating in. Magyar Telekom of Hungary (a Deutsche Telekom subsidiary), invested to embed and ingrain agile mindsets and behaviors throughout the agile transformation it started in 2018. With globalization leading to more interactions among cultures, it's crucial to be familiar with the preferences and behavioral patterns of colleagues who come from a different continent. By channelling our skills of attention and awareness in specific ways, we can go about life in a more intentional way. The resulting articulation of fromto behaviors allowed Spark to understand and compare its existing cultural reality with the desired end state (Exhibit 2).1In parallel with defining the fromto shifts, Spark redefined its values. There are, however, a few exceptions to this rule. In practice, this task often comes down to recognizing two main modes in which the mind operates, and learning the skills to move from one to the other. This conclusion suggests no ready solution, and the discrepancy remains. One is avoidance of self-racialization. From the beginning, Spark understood that the change needed to be a hearts and minds transformation if it was to successfully enable radical shifts to structure, processes, and technology. If you recognise and acknowledge both, you are less likely to go wrong. This state is focused inward, and it involves greater awareness of our own being. They also need to understand their current culture, including the behavioral pain points that can be used as a starting point to articulate three to five specific mindset and behavior shifts that would make the biggest difference in delivering business results. An early task for the Sounding Board was to identify the behavioral shifts teams would need to thrive in the new agile operating model. In the U.S., call 1-800-273-8255 for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. Over the course of a day, as the mind switches from one kind of activity to another, the underlying mode of mind changesa little like the way that a car, driven through a busy city, there will be a continuous series of changes from one gear to another. Networks can also be linked together in different patterns, mindfulness training as a way to learn how to become more aware of your mode of mind, the mind continues to process information in, thoughts and concepts will be experienced mentally as real rather than simply as events in the mind. In many, many, areas of our lives, doing mode volunteers for a job it can do, and our lives are the better for it. Both forms of mental state are necessary at different times; however, modern cultural values dictate that doing is more important that being. The greatest challenges we experience are often also our greatest teachers. When negative emotions arise in our minds it could have been brought on by a stressful activity, We've all been there. Doing vs being: Practical lessons on building an agile culture. This article demystifies culture change in an agile world through four practical lessons drawn from real-life success stories from around the world. Another powerful way to ingrain culture is to change the physical and digital environments. The driven-doing mode is goal-oriented, motivated to reduce the gap between how things are and how we think we need them to be; our attention is narrowly focused on these discrepancies between actual and desired states. People and organizations in different cultures have different understandings of the use of time in communication, specifically, nonverbal communication. By contrast, the being mode is not devoted to achieving particular goals. In our lives, we continuously try to balance the being and doing part of our behaviors and actions. If were facing an emotional dilemma or a difficult relationship break-up, for example, typical problem-solving techniques often wont apply, and well struggle to let go of the goals weve set in the way that we might with an ordinary task. Read More, Get practices, tips, and special offers delivered straight to your inbox. This is because it is the behaviour you will fall back on if you are not aware. Let us consider an alternative mode of mind, being.. What makes cultures different: individual or group first? In doing, we often need to work out the likely future consequences of different actions, anticipate what might happen if we reach our goal, or look back to memories of times when we have dealt with similar situations to get ideas for how to proceed now. Thoughts and feelings are seen as simply passing events in the mind that arise, become objects of awareness, and then pass away. Mindfulness practices and experiences of just being cant stop us from thinking, but by engaging in the present moment and observing thoughts non-judgementally, we can become less reactive and start to think in a more balanced, present-minded way.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'mindowl_org-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_13',603,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-mindowl_org-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); Being mode can bring about an intimate experience of interconnection with all sorts of sensory experiences and surroundings. How our goal-setting mind causes us to fixate on one track, and how we can become more responsive to the richness and complexity that each moment presents. The mind will continue to focus in this way until the discrepancy is reduced or some more immediately urgent task takes the focus of the mind elsewhere, only to return to the unresolved discrepancy once one has dealt with the other task. Outcomes were shared with tribes, the central works council, advisory groups, and others, and used in performance dialogues. In doing mode, by contrast, this wonderful multidimensional complexity of experience is boiled down to a narrow, one-dimensional focus: What does this have to say about my progress in reaching my goals? Doing cultures focus on achievements, tasks to accomplish, plans, deadlines. Theres no need to control your thoughts in anyway. Shifting culture requires dedicated effort. Lets get stuck into it. Being mode is all about practising acceptance. Once this discrepancy monitor is switched on, it will find mismatches between how things are and how we think they should be. If youd like to find out more about this subject, check out our article on deep meditation. Danielle LaPorte says that when she makes her New Year's Resolutions, it's all about how she wants to feel that year. The program, called Kinesis, focused on enabling leaders to shift from a limiting, reactive mindset to an enabling, creative one. Research shows that meditation can reduce stress and anxiety, as well as improve physical health, mental clarity, and emotional resilience. I guess you can easily see what situations it could lead to when people from opposite sides of the continuum interact with each other. The answer lies in the role of time in communication, also known as chronemics. Just as each gear has a particular use (starting, accelerating, cruising, etc. Doing and Being differ in their time focus. When the doing mode is working on internal, self-related goals like this, we can more accurately call it the drivendoing mode. This is the doing being continuum. This guidance and perspective can be obtained, when we stop for a minute and ask ourselves what is the purpose of our actions? Heres How Mindfulness Can Help. Theres nothing wrong with experiencing thought during quiet moments of mindfulness and meditation. However, that doesnt mean you have to just sit in silence doing nothing in order to have an experience of mindfulness. This recognition highlights why change programs that start with personal transformation are more successful. One of several examples used to support the focus and retrospective themes was the quarterly business review (QBR), a common element of agile operating models for business planning and resource allocation. Need help? Around the world, a growing number of organizations are embracing agilityto improve delivery, increase speed, and enhance customer and employee experience. These differing approaches to life fulfill the needs of all cultures in many ways. Before we go, lets briefly recap the main qualities of Doing and Being mode. In this video, we will be discussing three si Go beyond the meditation app!Free resources:. My Facebook and Twitter friend @clyde_online, a community organizer in D.C., has been pestering me to define U.S . Particularism is about finding exceptions. BEING vs. The state of being enables us to stop for a minute and think of our direction. Read More, Dopamine is a neurotransmitter in the brain that helps motivate us to fulfill our basic needs, but in our modern age of plenty, it can also lead to overindulgence and addiction. A core tenet of Kinesis was invitation, not expectation. Students consider where their culture might lie on this lifestyle spectrum and leave prepared to use this language to analyze other cultures they may come across. To solve this puzzle he had to get through seven years of stuckness. Being mode is when we are living in the moment, experiencing things directly. The values define something more enduring and aspirational while the fromtos are akin to a targeted gym programsomething the organization needs to focus on in the next months to become agile, given where the culture is now. Grasping the difference between adopting the Agile methods into the work process (doing Agile) and shifting to the Agile mindset (being Agile) is a fundamental step to achieving a real transformation of the workflow, boosting engagement at all levels, and being productive. If their culture stresses the importance of hard work and dedication to be successful, then that person is going to be doing-orientated. All though it is intuitive to reach it, the western lifestyle made it more difficult to reach. Perhaps there are thoughts about how youd like them to be different. But once the self becomes involved, it is much more difficult simply to let go of the goals we have set. Therefore, it can be likened to distinct modes of deep meditation or non-dual awareness. To further emphasize focus, the telco committed to implementing and scaling the QBR in the whole organization, including nontribe areas such as customer care or field execution. The Kinesis program focused on leading through example. Now, the doing mode will often try to re-assert itself and take hold of our minds even when weve begun to experience the feeling of just being. In being mode, there is a sense of freedom and freshness as experience unfolds in new ways. Now, rest in the relaxed state you have cultivated. To sustain a new culture, the structures, processes, and technology must be redesigned to support behavioral expectations. And now, if you will, clenching your toes, drawing them in as close as you can, being aware of the sensations in the toes, the soles, and the body of each foot. If not clear, ask them. When we are in a state of relaxation, we not only dont use energy, but we actually receive new energy, Being increases our personal development. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines being and doing as follows: Being the state of existing, the most important or basic part of a persons mind or self, Doing the act of making something happen through your own action. Similarly, several dimensions of team performance improved as the culture of credibility and clarity took hold while greater autonomy, a core principle of agile culture, allowed teams to take on their own challenges. ING also shared its findings with universities, sharpening both the companys tracking efforts and university research. the integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity . Many people mistake being for a familiar feeling or experience they've had in meditation or yoga practice, such as peace, relaxation, or a pleasant current of energy. Organizations can do agile by changing their structure, processes, and technology. Second, be clear about what motivates other people. It shifts our focus from ourselves to our surroundings, to other people and other elements in our lives. The broader sense of the present, in what might be called its full multidimensional splendor, is missed. Being mode is about disengaging from a busy mind. 4) We monitor progress to see whether the gap is increasing or decreasing, and adjust our actions accordingly. If we looked long enough, we would see that a limited number of core patterns of brain activity and interaction seem to crop up as recurring features in a wide variety of different mental activities. Just say thank you or I love you. Or take another example: It is your turn to do the dishes and there is no way out of it. Doing. This is a great way to cultivate present moment experience. April 24, 2023. A big part of this process comes down to recognising the differences between doing and being. And this is where things can go terribly wrong. Being allows the vision and ideas to come to you and creates the space for. Different mental activities engage different patterns of brain activity and nerve cells networks (our article on the impact of meditation on our brainwaves explores this idea further). In many ways, it is the opposite of the drivendoing mode. In order to build an agile culture, Roche facilitated a deep, personal change process among senior leaders. Roches head of talent innovation (the primary architect of the initiative) heard dozens of stories of leaders coming back from Kinesis and showing up differently. Relax any bodily tensions, particularly any tensions in your forehead, chest, back, and stomach. Taking a few minutes now simply to let thoughts arise. An additional 21% do not consider having an abortion a moral issue. Notice the cool air at the tip of your nose as you inhale or at the back of your throat when air enters your lungs. If you doubt this, just try to focus all of your attention on the screen in front of you, without thinking of something else, for 3 minutes.
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