However, Finn is the only blaster hero that has no way of breaking through lightsabe blocks, nor does he have any dominant ways to deal damage! She sacrifices mobility and versatility for her powerful damage, which most characters don't have to do. In the right hands, he can still be devastating, so just because hes not as strong, dont take him for granted. they tried to buff him to be better in Galactic Assault and Capital Supremacy, but in the end, this buff messed him up even more! Related: Star Wars Battlefront 2's Best Free Mods To Improve The Game. Kylo is second only to Luke and Maul in terms of speed, and this alone makes him very powerful! Some of the more interesting developments have been to the heroes and villains. Overall, Finn has great support capabilities and a great primary weapon that can aimbot enemies during Deadeye, but since he does mediocre damage and has no way to break blocks, Finn is just an average character overall. If you unlock all 24 cosmetics in the collection . Perhaps some buffs or even the future rework could save him from his fate as a low-tier hero. In tandem with his primary attacks, Palpatine will dominate with his constant stream of damage. I love Iden so much but of course, since she is in fourteenth, she is obviously bound to have some issues. Old Master Maul 5. Since this automatically applies to a new target when someone dies, Finn can single-handedly clear out the entire enemy team with this ability if you have the right Star Cards equipped. Furious Bowcaster is fantastic against heroes and grouped enemies, Shock Grenade provides a reliable stun, and Charge Slam is a solid escape tool or mid-air attack. Choke Hold sometimes wont grab someone in its effective range. His rifle isnt the strongest by any means, so hell have to rely on other ways to get the leg up over the enemy. Yoda is an expert at turning defense into attack, using the Force to repel blaster fire, heal his wounds, and protect him from harm while using his lightsaber to inflict damage. Overall, BB-8 is a solid choice for Galactic Assault and Capital Supremacy, and it can even shine in Heroes vs. Villains with a good team. Dancer, Octopath Traveler not only has fun and unique characters, but also fun and unique jobs! Besides the detonators also have a better cooldown time! Overall, Han Solo is a phenomenal character, but due to his Sharpshooter ability being pretty useless, I find Han Solo to not be the best blaster hero in the game. Players looking to get used to Battlefront 2s lightsaber combat cant go wrong with Rey. To be useful, Bossk is a lot more heavily reliant on his abilities whereas characters like Han and Leia can deal insane damage even outside of their abilities. Using Pull Dominance, then Heroic Might, and then Passionate Strike will completely dominate whoever is attacked. C Tier. Unlike Leia, Bossk is a menace for zoning and controlling parts of the map. However, Obi-Wan simply doesn't have the damage potential of the next few characters, and since they have enough survivability and crowd control without having such defensive abilities, Obi-Wan is just shy of S Tier. Sharpshooter increases Han's max DPS from 233 to 379whereas Rapid Fire increases Leia's max DPS from 266 to 390. Rey19. Even though hero modes are my favorite to play, and I am significantly better at small-scale modes than at large-scale modes, I tried my best to rank these characters across all of the modes they are present in. Han can melt through infantry and heroes with little issue, making him a great pick for every game type. However, he also has a couple of weaknesses. Her blaster can still dish out a high amount of damage, but thats pretty much all you can count on from her. Leia can also hang in Heroes vs. Villains thanks to her Thermal Detonators and custom E-11 blaster. There are a number of differentgame modes in Battlefront 2, and certain heroes were designed with specific game modes in mind. Mauls sheer mobility and rapid attacks make him a terrifying sight in Galactic Assault and Capital Supremacy, although he isnt the best character to play for Heroes vs. Villains. Second of all, Sharpshooter vs Rapid Fire. However, theres not much else to her, so shes worth picking up if all the other heroes are taken or you have a challenge, but she shouldnt ever be a priority. Oh my gosh, Freeze is just broken. While his Sharp Shot ability is excellent in trooper modes, its not as effective in Heroes vs Villains since saber-wielders can block it. Using Freeze, infantry and dark side blaster heroes can melt through the light side! This ability allows him to absorb Force abilities and blaster bolts to power up the attack beyond the limits of Luke's Force Push or Obi-Wan's All-Out Push! Now, he can deflect shots, but hes a tad weaker than he once was. Next: New Marvel Story Game To Feature Star Wars Battlefront 2 Star. Overall, BB-9E can be quite useful in Heroes vs. Villains if he is used in tandem with a team of smart villains, but in most other circumstances, there is a much, much better hero to choose than BB-9E. During the Clone Wars, he commanded the 212th Attack Battalion and defeated General Grievous on Utapau. He also has no deflection accuracy! His ability that makes enemies weaker is nice, but it has a short duration, so if you use it on another hero, theres a good chance they will be able to just survive it and turn the tables. Leias abilities arent really all that great, so you cant rely on them to turn the tide of a match. He can aimbot enemies and melt through more mobile targets like Boba Fett! However, even though Sharp Shot alone makes Lando better than BB-9E and Chewbacca, Lando is just way too incomplete of a character for him to be any better than D Tier. I did just rank BB-8 above Rey, and I have no regrets about it. Watch it - the new heroes BB-8 and BB-9E are rolling out on the battlefront! Rey. Theres something about Yoda that just doesnt make him much of a threat when you run into him. Her primary weapon completely melts through health at close range, and her Droid Shield allows her to survive attacks and possibly get some melee damage in to weaker targets! BB-9E20. Meant to be the First Order counterpart to BB-8, BB-9E is a support character focused on stunning targets and providing small bonuses to nearby allies. Anakin Skywalker13. Kylo Ren is an aggressive Sith that has a good mixture of survivability and damage. His mobility is unmatched and he can become an absolute pest depending on how hes used. No, I mean, this website is named after RPGs, not third-person shooters. His abilities all work towards making Grievous one of the most aggressive villains you can play. These are best characters in the game. Compared to most blaster heroes, Landos claim to fame is Sharp Shot. Our favorite princess comes in at the bottom of the list due to her not really doing a whole lot. So buckle up. The damage of Passionate Strike was decreased in the games final update, but it remains an effective way to break through lightsaber blocks, giving Anakin a huge edge over Sith in melee combat. His Unrelenting Advance ability allows you to defend yourself and take out enemies at choke points very easily! Not only on this ranking, but also in my entire life. In the right hands, Iden Versio is one of the most frustrating villains to fight against in Battlefront 2. He can snipe from long ranges, or use his weapon like a short-range shotgun. Hans abilities are decent, and different permutations of Star Cards can either round out his weaknesses, or instead stack together to play to his inherent strengths. Yes, Leia does have a higher DPS than Han and her weapon takes less time to cooldown. Heroes Luke Skywalker Han Solo Princess Leia Organa Nien Nunb ( Outer Rim DLC) Lando Calrissian ( Bespin DLC) Chewbacca ( Death Star DLC) Jyn Erso (Rogue One: Scarif DLC) Vehicles Millennium Falcon Red Five ( Death Star DLC) Galactic Empire Heroes Darth Vader Emperor Palpatine Boba Fett Greedo ( Outer Rim DLC) Dengar ( Bespin DLC) His abilities are still quite good though, even though his strengths lie outside of his abilities! Rolling Charge makes for an excellent gap-closer that can kill basic infantry, which you can follow up with a Cable Spin to deal constant damage around yourself. Why? You can then couple that with his thermal charge and underrated charge ability and youre really playing with one of the strongest heroes in the game. Thats because the playlist in which you play as Finn fundamentally shifts his usefulness. Star Wars: Best Games, Ranked According To Metacritic, The Best Battlefront 2 Mods For Star Wars Fans, Finn can single-handedly clear out the entire enemy team, Star Wars Battlefront II - What Should've Come To The Game, Han can melt through infantry and heroes with little issue, The Best Star Wars Battlefront 2 2005 Mods. He can poison his enemies with his Dioxys Grenade, which not only does good damage over time, but also nullifies health regeneration! However, his best ability is Focused Rage which increases damage, grants a huge health buff, slows stamina drain, and (with the Furious Resilience Star Card) grants damage reduction! Battlefront II All posts are welcome so long as they aren't spammy, hateful, and are in good faith. With the right positioning, Finn can stand on his own against large groups of enemy troops, but hes at his best with a large group of communicating players all pushing or holding an objective. Leia has more tricks up her sleeve than Finn, however, and this versatility for different scenarios and game modes gives her a leg up. Related: Star Wars Battlefront 2's Best Free Mods To Improve The Game. I think the heroes are much harder to rank than the villains. One of the most defensive heroes in the game, Obi-Wan is one of Battlefronts best-translated characters, combining high survivabilitywith well-rounded abilities. Boba also has high damage fall-off and very weird recoil, and in large-scale modes, since players tend to target him, an unprofessional Boba Fett player will be melted in seconds! Mind Trick also relies on the skill level of other players, since it reverses their movement controls, slows them, and somewhat blurs their screen. There was a brief snippet of time in which General Grievous was hands down the best character in the game. She has a fast lightsaber, solid movement options, and Mind Trickan ability that disorients inexperienced players. B Tier. Count Dooku is the ultimate duelist and one of the best, if not the best, characters for 1v1 fighting. However, of course, Grievous has some pretty sizable disadvantages. The Droid Shield doesn't have all that much health, and this shield disables the player from utilizing the extremely useful Stun Droid ability while it is active! Hes also surprisingly fast and can be a difficult target to defeat, which is why he finds himself in the top three here. He's also a fairly easy character to play, with most of his abilities covering a wide area. 4. This means hes a bad choice for a lot of the current game modes, with the exception being Galatic Assault since hed be able to hang back and dish out damage. Lightsaber heroes and villains ranked. For large-scale modes, Dooku is a solid choice. Anyone who has played Battlefront 2 before, however, will know that this level of collaboration is a rare occurrence, unlike the more teamwork-focused Battlefieldgames, which feature deeper squad mechanics. This is a melee hero disguised as a support character. He is simply the best character in Star Wars Battlefront 2, and nothing will change my mind. There isn't much you can do about the latter, but having a clear understanding of a character's strengths and weaknesses can make it much easier to find a hero that gels with your playstyle. What were they thinking? While there are other overpowered guns in Star Wars Battlefront 2, Han Solos DL-44 reigns supreme. Limit one emote per account. Battlefront II made one of the most improbable comebacks in video game launch history, and Star Wars lovers have a . In my humble opinion, I find Kylo Ren to be the third best hero in Star Wars Battlefront 2. All Battlefront 2 Heroes Ranked (light side) SaucyBoy61 12/02/18 . First of all, he is so buggy if Heroic Might or Retribution is used, there's a chance he won't be able to attack or defend himself due to a bug this makes him a waste of Battle Points if the bug activates! However, Kenobi feels like hes the toughest Jedi to go against as a blaster hero, whether thats even true or not. Emperor Palpatine2. C Tier. Discuss gameplay strategy . Much like the EL-16, players will be. Powered by. Darth Maul may just be my favorite saber hero to play as in the entire game! Some notable bugs include: The fact that Darth Maul is so high on the list even with these bugs should be a testament to how strong he really is. Rey Skywalker 2) 4. Dont get us wrong, hes still dangerous, but out of all of the lightsaber heroes, he has to be the one youre most relieved to run into. Some Battlefront 2 players might be shocked that Finn is this high on the list. He is a pure monster. 12. The DL-44 is only stronger than the Defender pistol at long range, as it much better damage drop-off. Overall, Kylo Ren can control a crowd and deal damage on the move even better than Palpatine, who is already as broke as a joke. And in Heroes vs. Villains, or even in a duel, you can walk behind the frozen enemy and get two or three hits off of them before they can retaliate! Overall, with just one really great ability and two mediocre abilities, I find Rey to be the weakest force user in the game and a pretty underwhelming character as a whole. His Sharpshooter ability is definitely the weak link of his three abilities, but is still decent, as it allows for easier aiming and is more forgiving, as well as allowing you to melt through the blocking stamina of saber heroes. Darth Maul is one of the most fun lightsaber villains in Battlefront 2. He can slash so fast that he can clear a room of infantry in seconds! Every Hero In Star Wars Battlefront 2, Ranked Worst To Best Home Gaming Game Features Every Hero In Star Wars Battlefront 2, Ranked Worst To Best By Jeremy Milliner Published Nov 3, 2021 Star Wars Battlefront 2 includes a selection of iconic heroes for fans to play as, from Luke Skywalker to Han Solo. Unlike its First Order counterpart, BB-8 can output a respectable amount of damage. Legend of Heroes II on the PSP is somewhat of a disappointment compared to the first installment. Palpatine is best when he is very much on the move, using his high jumping and dodges to his utmost advantage. Count Dooku12. In close-quarters maps with lots of corners and ambush opportunities, Luke is an excellent choice, able to dispatch large groups in seconds before slipping out of danger with Rush. This ability can deal great damage, as well as clear objectives or send targets flying off of a cliff! He can deal more damage than any other when hitting enemies from behind! Overall, Anakin has very good abilities and can dish out tons of damage, but since he has been over-nerfed and since his abilities are extremely buggy, he is nowhere near as strong as he used to be. Dooku is a very strong hero against those who dont quite understand how to go against him. Oftentimes the success of an objective push relies on how well a Leia player can use their Squad Shield. Unleash is just such a good ability all around! Certain lightsaber and blaster heroes get the job done better. Not only is he great for objective and environmental-based kills, but he can also clear out enemies in a radius using the Repulse ability! Ranking all 22 Characters in Star Wars Battlefront 2 from best to worst in terms of Galactic Assault, Supremacy, Heroes vs Villains and of course Hero Showdown!!! But which one's the most powerful? If youve been in the Battlefront 2 community for a while, you might remember when DICE first released Anakin Skywalker. His Defensive Rush ability allows him to charge forward while deflecting all damage, and his All-Out push ability allows him to use the force while nullifying a large portion of incoming damage! He has two support abilities: Big Deal and Undercover Team. Overall, Dooku has less power than Grievous when he is outside of Duelist, but he makes up for it with his defensive abilities. His large hitbox and slow speed make Chewbacca tough to use in Heroes vs. Villains, but for skilled blaster mains, his damage output is surprisingly high. However, even though Dooku is defensively capable (unlike Grievous), his abilities are very much only suited for killing single targets. The main draw of the Shoulder Charge is to break blocks and knock the enemy over. Princess Leia has virtually everything youd want from a blaster hero: an excellent primary weapon, the ability to deal guard damage to lightsaber heroes, a good DPS ability, and a bubble shield that supports allies while keeping you alive. Her shock droid and alternate fire abilities are extremely powerful, despite nerfs. Overall, no character can compare to the pure damage and survivability that Vader has. Battlefront 2 - Ranking ALL 22 HEROES & VILLAINS from WORST to BEST (FINAL RANK) Battlefront Knight 319K subscribers Subscribe 97K 4.4M views 2 years ago The first 1000 people who click the. Why Star Wars Battlefront 2 is Worth Playing in 2021, Star Wars Battlefront 2's Best Free Mods To Improve The Game, Battlefront 2 Made Star Wars' Worst Gimmicks Cool, Star Wars games potentially explore Solos canceled sequels, Star Wars: What Video Game Version Of Luke Skywalker Is Best (& Why), Star Wars Battlefront 2 Hits 19 Million Players After Epic Games Giveaway, EA's Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Is Officially Great Now, New Marvel Story Game To Feature Star Wars Battlefront 2 Star, Jedi: Survivor Proves The Trailers Lied In The First Hour, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Review - Cal Kestis Becomes One of Star Wars' Best Heroes, Star Wars Jedi: Survivor: How To Get A Mount. Overall, her blaster and her Stun Droid are very dominant, but since her other two abilities are rather subpar, Iden Versio can't go any higher than the bottom of B Tier. He also has Choke Hold, a very strong Force ability, and Furious Throw, where he quickly throws his lightsaber forward for a decent chunk of damage! She also has a nice A New Hope skin if you managed to claim that when it was available. A character that doesnt move often is rather boring to play, hence why you dont see many Phasma mains. Though Obi-Wan's abilities aren't the best of the bunch, his astronomical stamina, his precise blaster deflections, and his amazing health regeneration all make up for it! EA and DICE'sStar Wars Battlefront IIfeatures a wide selection of heroes and villains for fans to play, but some are much stronger than others. Grievous excels in taking out single targets with Thrust Surge and his normal attacks, and his Claw Rush has great potential for escaping an insurmountable encounter, weakening huge groups of enemies, or knocking down heroes to get the upper hand. His Pull ability, though it does much less damage than Anakin's Pull Dominance, is better because it can be utilized in mid-air and has a larger area of effect! No character in Battlefront 2 has the same level of mobility as Boba Fett. Charles Burgar is an expert on all things tech and gaming. Sure, he is the most mobile hero in the game, but he is much too easy to counter! To do this, I am going to compare her to Han, who people say is the best blaster hero in the game. Star Wars Battlefront 2 Hero Tier List: All 22 Ranked, Copyright 2023 Heavy, Inc. All rights reserved. In Heroes vs. Villains, this ability is much less useful unless youre fighting BB-9E. 10 FINN Finn's EL-16 rifle has been given a bump in power output in comparison to the standard version, making him a wrecking ball against oncoming forces. The dark lord of the Sith is easily one of Battlefront 2's most powerful characters. With leadership buffs, wall-hacks, and strong blaster abilities, Finn combines the support aspects of BB-8 with the heavy-duty ranged damage of Chewbacca. Even if you get a shot off, Yodas Unleash and Presence abilities make him incredibly hard to kill. A lot of this comes down to BB-9E and a mixture of us not knowing how exactly to play as this droid and players not knowing how to play against it. This allows for long killstreaks and easy cleanup, but is boring to play and can be easily countered by enemy Sith. Yoda17. Hes still better than the regular old Wookiee Warrior, and he does have a nice wounded skin, but outside of that, theres not much going for our old friend. This game-changing mod from PT IA's Dev Team includes characters like Ahsoka Tano, Mace Windu, Captain Rex, Jango Fett, Pre Vizsla with the Darksaber, and many more. Related: EA's Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Is Officially Great Now. This ability buffs the health of Yoda and all of his nearby allies by up to 210 health (or 130 for infantry)! BB-8, like BB-9E, can also recover from Force abilities or other knockdowns extremely quickly, and with the right Star Card, BB-8 can regenerate a grand total of 400 health back this makes him only rivaled by Obi-Wan in terms of health regeneration! When his Deadeye ability is active, however, is when he truly shines. Overall, she can dish out some good damage, but not as well as the majority of characters. Through all the nerfs and buffs and new characters that Battlefront 2 evolved through, Lando received barely any changes since launch. His damage output is almost unmatched, and he could actually be considered to be the strongest hero in Heroes vs. Villains. For players who have been onthe gamesince launch, and haveearned enough Battle Points inBattlefront 2to play as a villain,these effects are easily countered. Chewbacca is definitely tougher and sturdier than battle droids and stormtroopers, but concentrated fire can take him down pretty quick. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . There isnt much else to say about Han; hes a great blaster hero. He can also count as two units and override objectives faster, and his Swift Reaction ability allows his allies to use their abilities very quickly. Its when thats not activated is when hes in trouble. Related: Star Wars Battlefront 2 Hits 19 Million Players After Epic Games Giveaway. And Kylo Ren can dominate the battlefront more than all the others before him can with ease. He may lack the speed of Luke Skywalker or the AoE damage of Anakin, but newer players will probably be able to stay alive longer by using Obi-Wan. A driving force behind the Rebellion, Princess Leia is one of the galaxy's greatest commanders and a skilled soldier. One thing that is working in Yodas favor is the fact thats so small, it makes him a difficult target to hit, much like BB-8 and BB-9E. BB-8's Rolling Charge ability is pretty dang good, being almost identical to Han's Shoulder Charge! Speaking of Freeze this ability is absolutely broken. All 24 items will be available in exchange for Apex Coins or Crafting Metals and in Veiled Collection Event Apex Packs for the entire duration of the event. Battlefront 2 - Ranking ALL 22 HEROES & VILLAINS from WORST to BEST (FINAL RANK) Battlefront Knight 4.3M views 2 years ago THE EMPIRE STRIKES CRINGE | Star Wars Battlefront II. With enough practice, however, Han can stand his ground against encroaching Sith. When he's not out playing jazz, Jeremy is deeply immersed in the latest games, much to the distress of his attention-hungry cat. This ability is the main draw of using Rey over other saber heroes, and is insane in large-scale gamemodes!
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