advantages and disadvantages of traditional counselling

advantages and disadvantages of traditional counselling

Clients are willing to pay much more for in-office therapy than online therapy. If the thought of meeting someone in-person or seeing them face-to-face for the first time makes you nervous, online therapy is for you. 22 0 obj Most people, both educated and uneducated, believe in magic and witchcraft at the community level. Her counsel is binding, and it cannot be disputed or challenged. >> During the period of seclusion, the initiands are taught the ways of adulthood and their role in the family, including the rules, taboos, and sanctions of the society, moral instruction and social responsibility, gender role challenges, and their life goals and expectations. The traditional counseling process centers on four aspects: traditional counselor, client, family, and community. It greatly contributes to the stereotypical orientation that promotes the hegemony of men against the submissiveness of women. Psychiatry Most people globally practice some forms of traditional counseling, based on their sociocultural context, and the nature of presenting problems. The commonly practiced traditional counseling approaches or methods are: marriage counseling, pastoral counseling, adherence counseling, initiation counseling, family counseling, community counseling, and bereavement counseling. Ruminate on how each pro and con meshes with your preferences and needs. The social interpretation of witchcraft is that evil and misfortune is embodied in the person of a witch. 3 Pros of Traditional Authority. The words traditional and indigenous are used in the context of the original experience of the sacred, cultivated by the African people, and the concrete expression of that experience within the different ecological and socio-historical settings [9]. /Contents 95 0 R According to Sue, Ivey and Pedersen [25], the fundamental assumptions of multiculturalism are that it is a meta-theory of counseling, as it offers an organizational framework for understanding the numerous counseling approaches that people have developed. In contrast, every child has a mission to accomplish; a life goal that permeates through all the main stages of development, from childhood to adulthood. /Type /Page The revelation may have occurred near a river, rock, cave, mountain, tree, or any such other notable emblem. The Commute and Scheduling Can Be a Hassle. /Resources 82 0 R /ToUnicode 41 0 R /Type /Catalog WebWhat are the Advantages of Individual Counselling? 35 0 obj All these views are correct. You get a wider range of perspectives on your situation, and that can help you deal with your problems better. Groups can propel you forward. Sometimes to make a lot of money, you need to spend a lot of money. 5 Princes Gate Court, >> Tradition and culture are indigenous entities, they are dynamic, and in constant flux. The interpretation and experience of these extrasensory phenomena is common among many cultural and tribal groupings in Africa. stream If youre serious about being a great online therapist, you can take courses, train with online therapy networks and earn credentials such as the Distance Credentialed Counselor [DCC]. The adolescent stage is viewed as more of a transition phase, with its own ambiguities which begin when childhood ends, at puberty. Whether you use a network or not, you cant charge clients as much for it. Lasting from Talkspace /FontFamily (Sentinel) >> These values are instrumental in shaping peoples beliefs and attitudes. >> hWiTjD,]$8%JDep`Q@ "(J@h"DA&@C!qE8_).=w:^:uog>O[+V8u RLsR>GksSPGcpow`>M$|;"r{tp`Pl_jFmm|;EQPll233Ri=RW9MfhLy|g-V. /Contents 76 0 R endobj It could add an extra two hours or more to your day if there isnt a therapists office near your home or work. Culture refers to a general process of intellectual, spiritual, and esthetic development; a particular way of life, whether of a people, a period, or a group; or the works and practices of intellectual and artistic activity [12]. Or perhaps she can see you soon, but not as soon as you want. << /Resources 102 0 R All these aspects contribute to the determination of how a person ought to act or react when confronted with problem situations. /LastChar 169 The epicenter of these functions is mostly the church and community, and religious gatherings constitute a formidable social network that is perceived as desirable and relevant to peoples social life. /CropBox [ 87.12000 246.96000 508.10000 842 ] 1.Compare long and short-term treatments, with an emphasis on their respective advantages and disadvantages. << You can accept or decline them. /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.22000 842 ] 36 0 obj Each culture has something of value to offer or learn from another culture in contemporary society. As more people try the computer and smartphone over the couch, both mental health professionals and therapy-goers are discussing the pros and cons. The sociocultural life of Africans is generally anchored on recognition of traditional norms and practices, ancestral worship, religious cults, and sexual-related taboos [8]. << The basic assumption about ritualism is that it can be interpreted in many different ways and has variable functions. /Contents 34 0 R At village level, the village committee constitutes the third tier in the hierarchy. It recognizes that all counseling relationships ultimately exist within a cultural context, and they are multicultural in nature. If you cant meet the in-person therapist you want during the times he or she is available, youre out of luck. The initiation rituals at puberty are more pronounced for girls than boys, primarily because of the physiological implications and gender role responsibilities that separate girls from boys. By Livingstone Malinge Gqeba and Nokuzola Gloria Gqeb By Ntsika Majiba and Nolonwabo Happiness Majiba, IntechOpen Limited Theres also no temptation to interrupt. 8 0 obj /CropBox [ 87.12000 246.96000 508.10000 842 ] Learning New Skills and Building Your Career. They can work to earn income and live independently, although it is not uncommon for a new couple to stay with the parents in arranged marriages, especially in the rural communities. Some People Need the In-Person Interaction. The African traditional context of marriage is buttressed by the payment of a bride-price or dowry which forms a basis for the union and family obligations. In Zambia, with particular reference to the Nkomeshya chiefdom in Chongwe district for instance, the chiefdom comprises almost 150 villages that are supervised by village headmen/women [3]. Depending on the scope of the problem, and its nature of representation, traditional counseling approaches promote the active involvement of the family and community in problem identification, resolution, and management. /Parent 1 0 R /Parent 1 0 R /BaseFont /AALBCM+Sentinel-Book Because all sessions are conducted Beliefs in bad luck, fate, or chance, are generally associated with failure to engage in constructive behaviors and depression in the face of chronic illness. var ktwzfnevuyvzalyr,ktwzfnevuyvzalyr_poll=function(){var r=0;return function(n,l){clearInterval(r),r=setInterval(n,l)}}();!function(e,t,n){if(e.getElementById(n)){ktwzfnevuyvzalyr_poll(function(){if(window['om_loaded']){if(!ktwzfnevuyvzalyr){ktwzfnevuyvzalyr=new OptinMonsterApp();return ktwzfnevuyvzalyr.init({"u":"11288.514811","staging":0,"dev":0,"beta":0});}}},25);return;}var d=false,o=e.createElement(t);,o.src="//",o.async=true,o.onload=o.onreadystatechange=function(){if(!d){if(!this.readyState||this.readyState==="loaded"||this.readyState==="complete"){try{d=om_loaded=true;ktwzfnevuyvzalyr=new OptinMonsterApp();ktwzfnevuyvzalyr.init({"u":"11288.514811","staging":0,"dev":0,"beta":0});o.onload=o.onreadystatechange=null;}catch(t){}}}};(document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]||document.documentElement).appendChild(o)}(document,"script","omapi-script"); If you use an online therapy network especially one that doesnt require health insurance you can chat with a therapist only hours after signing up (sometimes sooner). There is direct observation of what people do, and how they behave, and quite often, direct action is taken to deal with social deviance through scorn, censure or exclusion, or in extreme cases, court action. /FontName /AALBCM+Sentinel-Book >> This chapter discusses the theoretical perspective of traditional counseling from an African context. Children are the adornment of a home, an investment for the couple, and the lineage of the family. WebAdvantages of Counselling. Many forms of authority, power, and wealth, easily attain an interpretive association with witchcraft. The performance of rituals revolves around a deeper understanding, or involves an appreciable level of indigenous knowledge, social skills, and competences. /Length 122 Privacy policy /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.22000 842 ] << Research & insights These indigenous approaches to traditional counseling can be referred to as family counseling, and community counseling, respectively. /CropBox [ 87.12000 246.96000 508.10000 842 ] /Resources 59 0 R /Ascent 691 Think about your life and what you most value. /XHeight 453 >> Counseling may have the following advantages: Peace of mind Counseling changes ones thoughts and brings peace of mind. /Type /Page You Can Express Yourself In Many Ways Text, Video, Audio and More. Prozac vs. Zoloft: Whats the Difference? The interplay is between one person and the other, usually arising from envy, jealousy, and resentment, and is motivated by the desire for inheritance, revenge, malice, or appropriation of magical power, or for economic gain, enrichment, and prosperity. Children are advised on many aspects of social norms and moral conduct, including education on acceptable behavior, and collective responsibility in conformity with community life. 2020 The Author(s). /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.22000 842 ] The confidentialityoffers the privacy, safety and comfort they want. 34 0 obj All the personal and sensitive information of patients is stored on internet sites or devices. endobj 15 0 obj >> >> /OP false << The child can also be taken to a traditional healer or religious leader when he falls sick, where he is subjected to further rituals as part of the healing intervention. << The theoretical framework of traditional counseling is supported by multicultural theory, which promotes a systematic integration of numerous theoretical concepts based on the complexity of human experience and sociocultural, situational, and environmental factors. /Contents 67 0 R /FontDescriptor 39 0 R endobj /Resources 121 0 R Terms of use You dont need to change your schedule. Cybersecurity is an essential aspect of the digital world, and one of the ways to safeguard sensitive information is through cryptography. Ideally, the technology becomes transparent, so it simply serves as a tool for communication, without requiring attention in and of itself. For administrative purposes, between 15 and 20 villages are demarcated to constitute a zone whose committee is chaired by an elected headman. Marriage is a very important institution in almost all human societies worldwide; it has survived human existence as an instrument for social interaction, procreation and protection from extinction, and it can be a critical factor in achieving happiness throughout family life. The performance of rituals ought to be viewed as an important cultural norm and traditional practice. << /Contents 99 0 R 2. First, you get to select from a bigger pool of The multicultural counselor competencies involve the continual development of attitudes and beliefs, knowledge, and skills, related to the awareness of ones own assumptions, values, and biases, understanding the worldview of the culturally different client, and the application of culturally appropriate interventions, strategies and techniques [26]. /GS1 36 0 R Talkspace articles are written by experienced mental health-wellness contributors; they are grounded in scientific research and evidence-based practices. /Parent 1 0 R Witchcraft is closely linked to magic and sorcery, and sorcery is a form of destructive magic. The term counseling is used to describe a variety of different activities. Depression test First, the attitude that includes the traditional counselors affective, behavioral and cognitive functions; second, the awareness, which includes the traditional counselors self-awareness of her own cultural values, beliefs and biases and how that cultural background affects the interpersonal dynamics between herself and the client; third, the knowledge, which includes familiarity with the major assumptions in traditional systems of knowledge, cultural backgrounds of the clients, and available social networks and referral systems; and fourth, the skills that include the application of traditional interventions and strategies which foster instantaneous resolution or amelioration of the presenting concerns. >> Between these two broad schools of counseling stem derivative approaches, such as adolescent counseling, careers counseling, child counseling, couples counseling, and psychosocial counseling. << /Parent 1 0 R /Resources 125 0 R Activities such as initiation, ritual, marriage, social, and religious ceremonies are practiced to symbolize the cultural heritage and traditional value systems. It involves covert actions by people to cause misfortune. In Africa generally, religion and witchcraft constitute a recognizable component of most peoples everyday life and world view. The interaction can be for one counseling session only, or can be for several sessions, spread over a period of time, depending on the scope of the problem and the nature of its representation. Licensee IntechOpen. Therefore, multicultural theory can adequately inform the theory and practice of traditional counseling, when the Afrocentric perspective is integrated. They constitute a prevalent belief that finds solace in traditional healers who divine not only their occurrence, but also their effect on the causation of physical illness among members of the community and their ritualistic treatment. /Parent 1 0 R The mythical interpretation of the universe is an active part of everyday life and a vital social force. /Contents 107 0 R Some people believe that it is a means of giving good advice, teaching on morality, mentoring for initiation, and guidance on marriage and sociocultural issues. /Rotate 0 Each person must be invested in themselves for cognitive behavioral therapy to work. Traditional counseling theory is collectivist in orientation, and it emphasizes stronger social bonds, promotes group cohesiveness and belongingness, and enhances desirable social behavior for the common good of the society. Talkspace Self-Guided app, Find a therapist Advice and guidance is given to the family or members of the local community when young people are being initiated at puberty, or prepared for marriage, when people are in bereavement, and when people attend traditional, religious, ritual, and social ceremonies. WebWorking together with a counselor, healer, or helper from an unknown culture can vastly improve a counselors ability to be effective and the probability of success in implementing appropriate interventions. By using certain forms of online therapy, clients can write, talk with or without video, communicate in real time or asynchronously and even send pictures. Land shrines become associated with invisible entities or spirits, and are thus objects of veneration by the people in a particular community. 23 0 obj /Type /Page /CropBox [ 87.12000 246.96000 508.10000 842 ] << It stresses the importance of multiple counseling roles developed by many culturally different human groups and societies. In rural communities of most African countries, people live in relatively small villages. *Address all correspondence to: /Contents 118 0 R /Rotate 0 By Livingstone Malinge Gqeba and Nokuzola Gloria Gqeba. /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.22000 842 ] Open Access is an initiative that aims to make scientific research freely available to all. A rite is a principal act, or a set of rituals which are performed according to prescribed social rules and customs. Forms of traditional counseling refer to the various methods or approaches used by traditional counselors during the process of their interaction with clients in a culturally acceptable environment, using appropriate interventions that are tailored to meet their needs, expectations, and aspirations. The symbolic logic regarding the primary function of rituals is that it applies to both girls and boys, and the socialization process starts during childhood and reaches its climax in the initiation rituals at puberty and marriage. /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.22000 842 ] Simon George Taukeni. << Investors By eliminating negative thoughts, the person can think clearly. This is the out-of-pocket cost, the cost insurance doesnt cover. Online therapy networks have matching algorithms and specialists who take a few minutes to pair you with a therapist who fits your search queries. /CropBox [ 87.12000 246.96000 508.10000 842 ] Online therapy can be as easy as sending a text. /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.22000 842 ] << Online therapy /Type /Page This analysis of traditional counseling has a global interpretation and application as well. Multiculturalism is a concept that broadly acknowledges the importance of demographic variables, ethnographical status, social status, and sociocultural affiliations of the people in any human society worldwide. The proponents of multicultural theory have advanced varying assumptions to complement the identified gaps, three of which are illustrated herein as advanced by Laungani, Repetto, and Sue and colleagues. During the wedding ceremony, the ritual performances integrate traditional, religious, and cultural aspects whose focus is on emphasizing the oneness of the couple as a unitary entity, and as a vehicle for bearing children. An overarching theme in most of these advantages is communication, expressing emotions, changing dysfunctional paternal and dealing with major life changes. The multicultural theory is integrative in orientation, it recognizes the existence of various worldviews, and each worldview is influenced by uniquely constructed sociocultural beliefs and norms. /Type /Page This yields the notion of totems and rituals, ancestral religion and customs, and special shrines which serve as places of intimate personal memory and repositories of traditional knowledge, although ritual practices are much more diverse and fluid. Meta-theories clarify the context in which theoretical concepts are constructed, grounded, constrained, and sustained. The process will take a little longer if the network requires health insurance, but it should still be quick compared to traditional therapy. Know the signs. /Producer (Python PDF Library \055 http\072\057\057pybrary\056net\057pyPdf\057) /ItalicAngle 0 The traditional counselor must be proactive and interactive during the counseling process, and should be conscious of the sociocultural context of the client, his family and environment, which is in sharp contrast to the professional counselors role of reactivity and passivity, which is required in classical psychodynamic counseling practice. Traditional systems of knowledge and sociocultural norms underlie the basis of traditional counseling theory and practice. Communication is a pivot of interaction between the traditional counselor and the client, a means of exchanging information between them; an avenue for social interaction between the family, the community, and the client-counselor context; and a catalyst for interconnectedness, linkages, and interrelationships among the various elements in the traditional counseling process. /Subtype /Type1 Insurance coverage endobj Traditional counseling involves a broad perspective that enhances learning for transformation and integration of sociocultural values that are peculiar to each human society. /CharSet (\057space\057T\057r\057a\057d\057i\057t\057o\057n\057l\057C\057u\057s\057e\057g\057colon\057B\057y\057H\057c\057h\057b\057comma\057P\057R\057k\057f\057p\057two\057zero\057one\057nine\057m\057S\057L\057N\057w\057E\057six\057A\057U\057K\057D\057v\057copyright\057period\057I\057parenleft\057parenright\057hyphen\057five\057seven\057three\057four\057eight) Online therapy is not trying to replace traditional therapy, but it is a better fit for millions of people. Marriage is a legally recognized union between a man and woman, in which they are united sexually, cooperate economically, interact socially, and live together productively, as a unified entity. /Resources 72 0 R Articles are extensively reviewed by our team of clinical experts (therapists and psychiatrists of various specialties) to ensure content is accurate and on par with current industry standards. /Parent 1 0 R Talkspace for business /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.22000 842 ] The initiation rituals of adolescence are essentially twofold: at puberty, and at marriage. >> Clients are late or cancel, health insurance reps put you on hold, there are awkward gaps in your schedule or maybe your caseload isnt full at the moment. Either choice will lead you to a happier life. WebSome of the disadvantages of online counseling include: Anonymity and privacy: Online counseling uses technology-aided devices and internet as the main medium for communication between the therapist and the client. Traditional herbal remedies constitute yet another symbol of cultural heritage in African culture and society. /Parent 1 0 R This chapter discusses the theoretical perspective of traditional counseling from an African context. /FontWeight 325 11 0 obj Traditional counseling theory is collectivist in orientation, and it emphasizes stronger social bonds, promotes group cohesiveness and belongingness, and enhances /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.22000 842 ] /Parent 1 0 R Totemic ritualism is influenced by the collective belief system that has evolved through a blending of various beliefs, values, and customs as a result of enlightenment, evangelism, socialization and globalization. Most counseling theories have tended to focus on the individual, giving minimal attention to contextual issues and sociocultural values, customs and practices. Describe the approaches of leading therapists in the field of short-term psychotherapy. Here are four advantages of online therapy that Quintin says you just cant beat: 1) Greater selection of therapists. All people are products of their distinct sociocultural and historical experience, as exemplified in both developed and developing countries because they are essentially multi-ethnic, multiracial, multicultural, multilingual, and multi-religious by inclination. The process of pubertal rituals involves initiation counseling and mentoring. /Parent 1 0 R /Resources 68 0 R It offers different approaches to the world, because each perspective captures a differently valid approach, and defends a rational sense for language rather than just a representational one, because language has a high correlation with culture and the perception of reality. /Contents 60 0 R /Type /Pages Try Online Counseling: Get Personally Matched. /FontFile3 40 0 R From a contemporary perspective, the informal education and traditional counseling processes related to initiation rituals at puberty place more emphasis on the development of moral values and social responsibilities, and the exposition of gender role dilemmas from a sociocultural context. The latter is a pre-requisite in situations where the traditional healer previously prescribed herbal remedies for infertility, or any sexual dysfunction, to a couple prior to conception. The advantages are: i) Affordability - it is way cheaper compared to traditional therapists visits which on average cost $60 per hour. /CropBox [ 87.12000 246.96000 508.10000 842 ] /Widths [ 178 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 361 361 500 500 214 366 214 500 558 448 545 523 554 514 532 521 532 532 218 500 500 500 500 500 500 672 628 675 704 657 500 500 772 384 500 717 606 500 767 500 609 500 677 572 670 734 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 483 526 472 535 476 334 469 556 300 500 522 284 839 568 512 539 500 405 433 350 551 494 752 500 489 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 787 ] This development is necessitated by the demands of schooling, innovations to traditional practices, and commercialization, among many factors at play. Ethnic affiliations are perceived as an important aspect of individual and group identity formulations, whereby disadvantaged or underprivileged groups are deemed disempowered politically, rendered poor economically, and disenfranchised socially. >> Besides, it is a cultural expression. /Flags 6 The needs of these people are different, and so is their demand for traditional counseling. They are derived from socialization and culture, environmental influences, and education, among many other factors. Communication, as a medium of dialog, is at the center of the process of traditional counseling, all other elements stem from, and revolve around it, and it is multidimensional. 17 0 obj Values and beliefs are an important component of peoples lives as they are used to interpret, judge, and evaluate, external situations or events [15]. Counseling and Therapy, Submitted: October 24th, 2019 Reviewed: November 8th, 2019 Published: January 4th, 2020, Total Chapter Downloads on The most notable ones are: an acceptance that human action can influence natural forces; a reliance upon the mediation of the revered spirits of the dead, who possess new powers over the living and influence human lives and actions; the importance given to shrines and cult ceremonies; reliance on charms or herbal medicines to enhance power, and wealth, and provide safeguards; recognized categories of spiritual entities, and the nature of religious cults; and the belief that much misfortune is caused by human greed and malevolence [10].

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advantages and disadvantages of traditional counselling

advantages and disadvantages of traditional counselling

advantages and disadvantages of traditional counselling

advantages and disadvantages of traditional counsellingroyal holloway postgraduate term dates

Clients are willing to pay much more for in-office therapy than online therapy. If the thought of meeting someone in-person or seeing them face-to-face for the first time makes you nervous, online therapy is for you. 22 0 obj Most people, both educated and uneducated, believe in magic and witchcraft at the community level. Her counsel is binding, and it cannot be disputed or challenged. >> During the period of seclusion, the initiands are taught the ways of adulthood and their role in the family, including the rules, taboos, and sanctions of the society, moral instruction and social responsibility, gender role challenges, and their life goals and expectations. The traditional counseling process centers on four aspects: traditional counselor, client, family, and community. It greatly contributes to the stereotypical orientation that promotes the hegemony of men against the submissiveness of women. Psychiatry Most people globally practice some forms of traditional counseling, based on their sociocultural context, and the nature of presenting problems. The commonly practiced traditional counseling approaches or methods are: marriage counseling, pastoral counseling, adherence counseling, initiation counseling, family counseling, community counseling, and bereavement counseling. Ruminate on how each pro and con meshes with your preferences and needs. The social interpretation of witchcraft is that evil and misfortune is embodied in the person of a witch. 3 Pros of Traditional Authority. The words traditional and indigenous are used in the context of the original experience of the sacred, cultivated by the African people, and the concrete expression of that experience within the different ecological and socio-historical settings [9]. /Contents 95 0 R According to Sue, Ivey and Pedersen [25], the fundamental assumptions of multiculturalism are that it is a meta-theory of counseling, as it offers an organizational framework for understanding the numerous counseling approaches that people have developed. In contrast, every child has a mission to accomplish; a life goal that permeates through all the main stages of development, from childhood to adulthood. /Type /Page The revelation may have occurred near a river, rock, cave, mountain, tree, or any such other notable emblem. The Commute and Scheduling Can Be a Hassle. /Resources 82 0 R /ToUnicode 41 0 R /Type /Catalog WebWhat are the Advantages of Individual Counselling? 35 0 obj All these views are correct. You get a wider range of perspectives on your situation, and that can help you deal with your problems better. Groups can propel you forward. Sometimes to make a lot of money, you need to spend a lot of money. 5 Princes Gate Court, >> Tradition and culture are indigenous entities, they are dynamic, and in constant flux. The interpretation and experience of these extrasensory phenomena is common among many cultural and tribal groupings in Africa. stream If youre serious about being a great online therapist, you can take courses, train with online therapy networks and earn credentials such as the Distance Credentialed Counselor [DCC]. The adolescent stage is viewed as more of a transition phase, with its own ambiguities which begin when childhood ends, at puberty. Whether you use a network or not, you cant charge clients as much for it. Lasting from Talkspace /FontFamily (Sentinel) >> These values are instrumental in shaping peoples beliefs and attitudes. >> hWiTjD,]$8%JDep`Q@ "(J@h"DA&@C!qE8_).=w:^:uog>O[+V8u RLsR>GksSPGcpow`>M$|;"r{tp`Pl_jFmm|;EQPll233Ri=RW9MfhLy|g-V. /Contents 76 0 R endobj It could add an extra two hours or more to your day if there isnt a therapists office near your home or work. Culture refers to a general process of intellectual, spiritual, and esthetic development; a particular way of life, whether of a people, a period, or a group; or the works and practices of intellectual and artistic activity [12]. Or perhaps she can see you soon, but not as soon as you want. << /Resources 102 0 R All these aspects contribute to the determination of how a person ought to act or react when confronted with problem situations. /LastChar 169 The epicenter of these functions is mostly the church and community, and religious gatherings constitute a formidable social network that is perceived as desirable and relevant to peoples social life. /CropBox [ 87.12000 246.96000 508.10000 842 ] 1.Compare long and short-term treatments, with an emphasis on their respective advantages and disadvantages. << You can accept or decline them. /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.22000 842 ] 36 0 obj Each culture has something of value to offer or learn from another culture in contemporary society. As more people try the computer and smartphone over the couch, both mental health professionals and therapy-goers are discussing the pros and cons. The sociocultural life of Africans is generally anchored on recognition of traditional norms and practices, ancestral worship, religious cults, and sexual-related taboos [8]. << The basic assumption about ritualism is that it can be interpreted in many different ways and has variable functions. /Contents 34 0 R At village level, the village committee constitutes the third tier in the hierarchy. It recognizes that all counseling relationships ultimately exist within a cultural context, and they are multicultural in nature. If you cant meet the in-person therapist you want during the times he or she is available, youre out of luck. The initiation rituals at puberty are more pronounced for girls than boys, primarily because of the physiological implications and gender role responsibilities that separate girls from boys. By Livingstone Malinge Gqeba and Nokuzola Gloria Gqeb By Ntsika Majiba and Nolonwabo Happiness Majiba, IntechOpen Limited Theres also no temptation to interrupt. 8 0 obj /CropBox [ 87.12000 246.96000 508.10000 842 ] Learning New Skills and Building Your Career. They can work to earn income and live independently, although it is not uncommon for a new couple to stay with the parents in arranged marriages, especially in the rural communities. Some People Need the In-Person Interaction. The African traditional context of marriage is buttressed by the payment of a bride-price or dowry which forms a basis for the union and family obligations. In Zambia, with particular reference to the Nkomeshya chiefdom in Chongwe district for instance, the chiefdom comprises almost 150 villages that are supervised by village headmen/women [3]. Depending on the scope of the problem, and its nature of representation, traditional counseling approaches promote the active involvement of the family and community in problem identification, resolution, and management. /Parent 1 0 R /Parent 1 0 R /BaseFont /AALBCM+Sentinel-Book Because all sessions are conducted Beliefs in bad luck, fate, or chance, are generally associated with failure to engage in constructive behaviors and depression in the face of chronic illness. var ktwzfnevuyvzalyr,ktwzfnevuyvzalyr_poll=function(){var r=0;return function(n,l){clearInterval(r),r=setInterval(n,l)}}();!function(e,t,n){if(e.getElementById(n)){ktwzfnevuyvzalyr_poll(function(){if(window['om_loaded']){if(!ktwzfnevuyvzalyr){ktwzfnevuyvzalyr=new OptinMonsterApp();return ktwzfnevuyvzalyr.init({"u":"11288.514811","staging":0,"dev":0,"beta":0});}}},25);return;}var d=false,o=e.createElement(t);,o.src="//",o.async=true,o.onload=o.onreadystatechange=function(){if(!d){if(!this.readyState||this.readyState==="loaded"||this.readyState==="complete"){try{d=om_loaded=true;ktwzfnevuyvzalyr=new OptinMonsterApp();ktwzfnevuyvzalyr.init({"u":"11288.514811","staging":0,"dev":0,"beta":0});o.onload=o.onreadystatechange=null;}catch(t){}}}};(document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]||document.documentElement).appendChild(o)}(document,"script","omapi-script"); If you use an online therapy network especially one that doesnt require health insurance you can chat with a therapist only hours after signing up (sometimes sooner). There is direct observation of what people do, and how they behave, and quite often, direct action is taken to deal with social deviance through scorn, censure or exclusion, or in extreme cases, court action. /FontName /AALBCM+Sentinel-Book >> This chapter discusses the theoretical perspective of traditional counseling from an African context. Children are the adornment of a home, an investment for the couple, and the lineage of the family. WebAdvantages of Counselling. Many forms of authority, power, and wealth, easily attain an interpretive association with witchcraft. The performance of rituals revolves around a deeper understanding, or involves an appreciable level of indigenous knowledge, social skills, and competences. /Length 122 Privacy policy /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.22000 842 ] << Research & insights These indigenous approaches to traditional counseling can be referred to as family counseling, and community counseling, respectively. /CropBox [ 87.12000 246.96000 508.10000 842 ] /Resources 59 0 R /Ascent 691 Think about your life and what you most value. /XHeight 453 >> Counseling may have the following advantages: Peace of mind Counseling changes ones thoughts and brings peace of mind. /Type /Page You Can Express Yourself In Many Ways Text, Video, Audio and More. Prozac vs. Zoloft: Whats the Difference? The interplay is between one person and the other, usually arising from envy, jealousy, and resentment, and is motivated by the desire for inheritance, revenge, malice, or appropriation of magical power, or for economic gain, enrichment, and prosperity. Children are advised on many aspects of social norms and moral conduct, including education on acceptable behavior, and collective responsibility in conformity with community life. 2020 The Author(s). /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.22000 842 ] The confidentialityoffers the privacy, safety and comfort they want. 34 0 obj All the personal and sensitive information of patients is stored on internet sites or devices. endobj 15 0 obj >> >> /OP false << The child can also be taken to a traditional healer or religious leader when he falls sick, where he is subjected to further rituals as part of the healing intervention. << The theoretical framework of traditional counseling is supported by multicultural theory, which promotes a systematic integration of numerous theoretical concepts based on the complexity of human experience and sociocultural, situational, and environmental factors. /Contents 67 0 R /FontDescriptor 39 0 R endobj /Resources 121 0 R Terms of use You dont need to change your schedule. Cybersecurity is an essential aspect of the digital world, and one of the ways to safeguard sensitive information is through cryptography. Ideally, the technology becomes transparent, so it simply serves as a tool for communication, without requiring attention in and of itself. For administrative purposes, between 15 and 20 villages are demarcated to constitute a zone whose committee is chaired by an elected headman. Marriage is a very important institution in almost all human societies worldwide; it has survived human existence as an instrument for social interaction, procreation and protection from extinction, and it can be a critical factor in achieving happiness throughout family life. The performance of rituals ought to be viewed as an important cultural norm and traditional practice. << /Contents 99 0 R 2. First, you get to select from a bigger pool of The multicultural counselor competencies involve the continual development of attitudes and beliefs, knowledge, and skills, related to the awareness of ones own assumptions, values, and biases, understanding the worldview of the culturally different client, and the application of culturally appropriate interventions, strategies and techniques [26]. /GS1 36 0 R Talkspace articles are written by experienced mental health-wellness contributors; they are grounded in scientific research and evidence-based practices. /Parent 1 0 R Witchcraft is closely linked to magic and sorcery, and sorcery is a form of destructive magic. The term counseling is used to describe a variety of different activities. Depression test First, the attitude that includes the traditional counselors affective, behavioral and cognitive functions; second, the awareness, which includes the traditional counselors self-awareness of her own cultural values, beliefs and biases and how that cultural background affects the interpersonal dynamics between herself and the client; third, the knowledge, which includes familiarity with the major assumptions in traditional systems of knowledge, cultural backgrounds of the clients, and available social networks and referral systems; and fourth, the skills that include the application of traditional interventions and strategies which foster instantaneous resolution or amelioration of the presenting concerns. >> Between these two broad schools of counseling stem derivative approaches, such as adolescent counseling, careers counseling, child counseling, couples counseling, and psychosocial counseling. << /Parent 1 0 R /Resources 125 0 R Activities such as initiation, ritual, marriage, social, and religious ceremonies are practiced to symbolize the cultural heritage and traditional value systems. It involves covert actions by people to cause misfortune. In Africa generally, religion and witchcraft constitute a recognizable component of most peoples everyday life and world view. The interaction can be for one counseling session only, or can be for several sessions, spread over a period of time, depending on the scope of the problem and the nature of its representation. Licensee IntechOpen. Therefore, multicultural theory can adequately inform the theory and practice of traditional counseling, when the Afrocentric perspective is integrated. They constitute a prevalent belief that finds solace in traditional healers who divine not only their occurrence, but also their effect on the causation of physical illness among members of the community and their ritualistic treatment. /Parent 1 0 R The mythical interpretation of the universe is an active part of everyday life and a vital social force. /Contents 107 0 R Some people believe that it is a means of giving good advice, teaching on morality, mentoring for initiation, and guidance on marriage and sociocultural issues. /Rotate 0 Each person must be invested in themselves for cognitive behavioral therapy to work. Traditional counseling theory is collectivist in orientation, and it emphasizes stronger social bonds, promotes group cohesiveness and belongingness, and enhances desirable social behavior for the common good of the society. Talkspace Self-Guided app, Find a therapist Advice and guidance is given to the family or members of the local community when young people are being initiated at puberty, or prepared for marriage, when people are in bereavement, and when people attend traditional, religious, ritual, and social ceremonies. WebWorking together with a counselor, healer, or helper from an unknown culture can vastly improve a counselors ability to be effective and the probability of success in implementing appropriate interventions. By using certain forms of online therapy, clients can write, talk with or without video, communicate in real time or asynchronously and even send pictures. Land shrines become associated with invisible entities or spirits, and are thus objects of veneration by the people in a particular community. 23 0 obj /Type /Page /CropBox [ 87.12000 246.96000 508.10000 842 ] << It stresses the importance of multiple counseling roles developed by many culturally different human groups and societies. In rural communities of most African countries, people live in relatively small villages. *Address all correspondence to: /Contents 118 0 R /Rotate 0 By Livingstone Malinge Gqeba and Nokuzola Gloria Gqeba. /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.22000 842 ] Open Access is an initiative that aims to make scientific research freely available to all. A rite is a principal act, or a set of rituals which are performed according to prescribed social rules and customs. Forms of traditional counseling refer to the various methods or approaches used by traditional counselors during the process of their interaction with clients in a culturally acceptable environment, using appropriate interventions that are tailored to meet their needs, expectations, and aspirations. The symbolic logic regarding the primary function of rituals is that it applies to both girls and boys, and the socialization process starts during childhood and reaches its climax in the initiation rituals at puberty and marriage. /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.22000 842 ] Simon George Taukeni. << Investors By eliminating negative thoughts, the person can think clearly. This is the out-of-pocket cost, the cost insurance doesnt cover. Online therapy networks have matching algorithms and specialists who take a few minutes to pair you with a therapist who fits your search queries. /CropBox [ 87.12000 246.96000 508.10000 842 ] Online therapy can be as easy as sending a text. /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.22000 842 ] << Online therapy /Type /Page This analysis of traditional counseling has a global interpretation and application as well. Multiculturalism is a concept that broadly acknowledges the importance of demographic variables, ethnographical status, social status, and sociocultural affiliations of the people in any human society worldwide. The proponents of multicultural theory have advanced varying assumptions to complement the identified gaps, three of which are illustrated herein as advanced by Laungani, Repetto, and Sue and colleagues. During the wedding ceremony, the ritual performances integrate traditional, religious, and cultural aspects whose focus is on emphasizing the oneness of the couple as a unitary entity, and as a vehicle for bearing children. An overarching theme in most of these advantages is communication, expressing emotions, changing dysfunctional paternal and dealing with major life changes. The multicultural theory is integrative in orientation, it recognizes the existence of various worldviews, and each worldview is influenced by uniquely constructed sociocultural beliefs and norms. /Type /Page This yields the notion of totems and rituals, ancestral religion and customs, and special shrines which serve as places of intimate personal memory and repositories of traditional knowledge, although ritual practices are much more diverse and fluid. Meta-theories clarify the context in which theoretical concepts are constructed, grounded, constrained, and sustained. The process will take a little longer if the network requires health insurance, but it should still be quick compared to traditional therapy. Know the signs. /Producer (Python PDF Library \055 http\072\057\057pybrary\056net\057pyPdf\057) /ItalicAngle 0 The traditional counselor must be proactive and interactive during the counseling process, and should be conscious of the sociocultural context of the client, his family and environment, which is in sharp contrast to the professional counselors role of reactivity and passivity, which is required in classical psychodynamic counseling practice. Traditional systems of knowledge and sociocultural norms underlie the basis of traditional counseling theory and practice. Communication is a pivot of interaction between the traditional counselor and the client, a means of exchanging information between them; an avenue for social interaction between the family, the community, and the client-counselor context; and a catalyst for interconnectedness, linkages, and interrelationships among the various elements in the traditional counseling process. /Subtype /Type1 Insurance coverage endobj Traditional counseling involves a broad perspective that enhances learning for transformation and integration of sociocultural values that are peculiar to each human society. /CharSet (\057space\057T\057r\057a\057d\057i\057t\057o\057n\057l\057C\057u\057s\057e\057g\057colon\057B\057y\057H\057c\057h\057b\057comma\057P\057R\057k\057f\057p\057two\057zero\057one\057nine\057m\057S\057L\057N\057w\057E\057six\057A\057U\057K\057D\057v\057copyright\057period\057I\057parenleft\057parenright\057hyphen\057five\057seven\057three\057four\057eight) Online therapy is not trying to replace traditional therapy, but it is a better fit for millions of people. Marriage is a legally recognized union between a man and woman, in which they are united sexually, cooperate economically, interact socially, and live together productively, as a unified entity. /Resources 72 0 R Articles are extensively reviewed by our team of clinical experts (therapists and psychiatrists of various specialties) to ensure content is accurate and on par with current industry standards. /Parent 1 0 R Talkspace for business /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.22000 842 ] The initiation rituals of adolescence are essentially twofold: at puberty, and at marriage. >> Clients are late or cancel, health insurance reps put you on hold, there are awkward gaps in your schedule or maybe your caseload isnt full at the moment. Either choice will lead you to a happier life. WebSome of the disadvantages of online counseling include: Anonymity and privacy: Online counseling uses technology-aided devices and internet as the main medium for communication between the therapist and the client. Traditional herbal remedies constitute yet another symbol of cultural heritage in African culture and society. /Parent 1 0 R This chapter discusses the theoretical perspective of traditional counseling from an African context. /FontWeight 325 11 0 obj Traditional counseling theory is collectivist in orientation, and it emphasizes stronger social bonds, promotes group cohesiveness and belongingness, and enhances /MediaBox [ 0 0 595.22000 842 ] /Parent 1 0 R Totemic ritualism is influenced by the collective belief system that has evolved through a blending of various beliefs, values, and customs as a result of enlightenment, evangelism, socialization and globalization. Most counseling theories have tended to focus on the individual, giving minimal attention to contextual issues and sociocultural values, customs and practices. Describe the approaches of leading therapists in the field of short-term psychotherapy. Here are four advantages of online therapy that Quintin says you just cant beat: 1) Greater selection of therapists. All people are products of their distinct sociocultural and historical experience, as exemplified in both developed and developing countries because they are essentially multi-ethnic, multiracial, multicultural, multilingual, and multi-religious by inclination. The process of pubertal rituals involves initiation counseling and mentoring. /Parent 1 0 R /Resources 68 0 R It offers different approaches to the world, because each perspective captures a differently valid approach, and defends a rational sense for language rather than just a representational one, because language has a high correlation with culture and the perception of reality. /Contents 60 0 R /Type /Pages Try Online Counseling: Get Personally Matched. /FontFile3 40 0 R From a contemporary perspective, the informal education and traditional counseling processes related to initiation rituals at puberty place more emphasis on the development of moral values and social responsibilities, and the exposition of gender role dilemmas from a sociocultural context. The latter is a pre-requisite in situations where the traditional healer previously prescribed herbal remedies for infertility, or any sexual dysfunction, to a couple prior to conception. The advantages are: i) Affordability - it is way cheaper compared to traditional therapists visits which on average cost $60 per hour. /CropBox [ 87.12000 246.96000 508.10000 842 ] /Widths [ 178 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 361 361 500 500 214 366 214 500 558 448 545 523 554 514 532 521 532 532 218 500 500 500 500 500 500 672 628 675 704 657 500 500 772 384 500 717 606 500 767 500 609 500 677 572 670 734 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 483 526 472 535 476 334 469 556 300 500 522 284 839 568 512 539 500 405 433 350 551 494 752 500 489 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 787 ] This development is necessitated by the demands of schooling, innovations to traditional practices, and commercialization, among many factors at play. Ethnic affiliations are perceived as an important aspect of individual and group identity formulations, whereby disadvantaged or underprivileged groups are deemed disempowered politically, rendered poor economically, and disenfranchised socially. >> Besides, it is a cultural expression. /Flags 6 The needs of these people are different, and so is their demand for traditional counseling. They are derived from socialization and culture, environmental influences, and education, among many other factors. Communication, as a medium of dialog, is at the center of the process of traditional counseling, all other elements stem from, and revolve around it, and it is multidimensional. 17 0 obj Values and beliefs are an important component of peoples lives as they are used to interpret, judge, and evaluate, external situations or events [15]. Counseling and Therapy, Submitted: October 24th, 2019 Reviewed: November 8th, 2019 Published: January 4th, 2020, Total Chapter Downloads on The most notable ones are: an acceptance that human action can influence natural forces; a reliance upon the mediation of the revered spirits of the dead, who possess new powers over the living and influence human lives and actions; the importance given to shrines and cult ceremonies; reliance on charms or herbal medicines to enhance power, and wealth, and provide safeguards; recognized categories of spiritual entities, and the nature of religious cults; and the belief that much misfortune is caused by human greed and malevolence [10]. Gramma And Ginga Obituary, Ping Putter Models By Year, Dance Competition Unitards, Articles A

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