Third: The more the family income varies, the more the voting in the elections differs in favor of the high-income students, as there were differences in the voting ratio in the elections according to the level of family income. Ross, M. (2008), Oil, Islam, and women, American Political Science Review, Vol. In addition, the questionnaire included two section, the first is related to the four factors: Gender (malefemale), Age (8-22years old - 23-30years old), Family Income (less than 500 dinar- 500 less than 700 dinar more than 700 dinar), and regional affiliation (Jordanian Origin - Palestinian Origin). In contrast, the voting of the female students was (33.8 per cent). As one of the basic principles of participatory democracy, each citizen gets one vote and each vote c (1995) noted that inequality in the distribution of incomes affects, political participation, such inequality makes the poor reluctant to vote in elections. They represented all segments of society: Al-Al Bayt University, which is located in the northern region of Jordan (14 colleges, 7,434 males and 9,809 females), the Jordanian University, which is located in the central region of Jordan (20 colleges, 12,716 males and 25086 females), the Mu'tah University, which is located in the southern region of Jordan (19 colleges, 7,614 males, Female 7,172). The growth of an interconnected world economy and culture, fueled by lowered trade barriers between nations and advances in communications technology. This made them feel political alienation, which led them to be reluctant to vote in the elections. Direct link to taylor512's post can these political belie, Posted 3 years ago. Midwestnerd Jingle Bell 5K run CC BY 2.0. An individuals sense of loyalty to a specific political party. (1997), Womens engagement in politics in the year of the woman, American Politics Quarterly, Vol. They concluded that the sociopolitical interest of young females could help to overcome this problem, education could be one of the solutions, as political participation of females increases, when they are aware that political events would directly affect their lives. Webfactors affecting participation in politics be citizens reactions to government policies and specically whether those policies are consonant with their pre-ferences? What factors influence voter turnout in elections? In spite of the dissemination of civil society institutions after 1989, awareness of civil culture and political participation was still poor (Tillian, 2011, pp.1-2). This role is partly expressive and partly instrumental. and Fox, R.L. In addition, Trust in the ability of candidates to provide services to people. for the family income category (more than 700 dinars) at (19.5 per cent). As there are differences in voter turnout ratio according to age groups, the voting ratio in the age group (23 less than 18years old) was low. Berikut faktor-faktornya: 1. 2, pp. Peter D. Hart Research Associates, New Leadership for a New Century (Washington, DC: Public Allies, August 28, 1998). About half the population takes part in national and community political affairs by joining an interest group, issue-based organization, civic organization, or political party. Many people take part in neighborhood, school, and religious associations. It was made clear to the participants that their participation was voluntary, that their decision to take part in the study would not affect their routine care and that they were free to withdraw from the study at any point during the process. Measuring gender differences in political knowledge. The 2008 presidential election sparked high levels of public interest and engagement. Pyeatt and Yanus (2018), Dolan (2011), Fox (2011) discussed how to overcome the gender gap in voting. In the context of responding to the question Have you ever voted in previous national or local elections? It was noted that male students were the most Jordanian university students voting in the elections with (66.2 per cent). This was due to many reasons, such as womens political alienation and their belief that their ability to make a political change is still weak, etc. However, most participants are not activists for these causes. This, in turn, made women lose interest in political issues, events, and party activities. A large number of elections are held in the United States every year, including local elections, elections for county and statewide offices, primaries, and general elections. 3, pp. College students in the 1960s used demonstrations to voice their opposition to the Vietnam War. The Jordanian decision maker realized the shifts in internal and international circumstances. Turnout varies significantly across localities. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. (1993), Neighborhood poverty and African American politics, American Political Science Review, Vol. We saw the three cleavages affecting voter turnout, which were a mix of internal and external factors. Verba, S. and Nie, N. (1978), Participation and Political Equality, University Press, Cambridge. Table II shows the results of the analysis of public universities students views on voting in national and local elections according to the age. Janet M. Box-Steffensmeier and Steven E. Schier (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2009), 932. In the US, political ideology, efficacy, structural barriers, and demographics all play a role in determining the nature and level of political participation. Mohammad Soud Alelaimat can be contacted at:, 1-16. People can vote for representatives, who make policies that will determine how much they have to pay in taxes and who will benefit from social programs. How do individuals form their political beliefs? The nine factors influencing political participation are as follows: 1. 3, pp. Democrat Barack Obama, the first African American to be nominated by a major party, generated enthusiasm, especially among young people. After reading this section, you should be able to answer the following questions: Americans have many options for taking part in politics, including voting, contacting public officials, campaigning, running for and holding office, protesting, and volunteering. Among the forms of political participation, the present study focuses on voting as a traditional form of political participation and the most prominent form that can be observed and measured during elections by monitoring the numbers of voters. Young people, in particular, used social media, like Facebook, to organize online on behalf of candidates. A positive side effect of fundraising campaigns is that people are made aware of candidates and issues through appeals for money (Jacobson, 1997). Thus, there was a gender gap between Jordanian university male and female universities students' voting in national and local elections. They can communicate their interests, preferences, and needs to government by engaging in public debate (Verba, Schlozman, & Brady, 1995). (1995) emphasized that there were three sources affecting political participation: time, money and social skills. 8.1 What Is Political Participation? 185-199. It says that blue collared workers are more likely to be affiliated with the Democratic party, and it says that the Southern region is more Republican. Not filmed at all was an intoxicated King driving erratically, leading police on an eight-mile, high-speed chase through crowded streets. Atkeson (2003) indicated that the greater the involvement of women in the public sector, the more barriers of their political participation are broken. The quantitative research was used in this study. Voting determines the leadership issues and policies of the party as well as the whole nation. 1, pp. 213-221. Youth political engagement in Australia and the United States: student councils and volunteer organizations as communities of practice, Studying oil, islam, and women as if political institutions mattered, Womens engagement in politics in the year of the woman, Politics of presence: women in the house and symbolic representation, Political participation of the urban poor, The impact of country characteristics on civic knowledge and political participation, Politikon: Iapss Journal of Political Science, The impact of political parties on the 2007 Jordanian parliamentary elections, The factors affecting the women political participations in Jordanian parliamentary elections (2003-2013), Increasing womens political participation: the role of women-friendly districts, Gender differences in political participation: comparing street demonstrators in Sweden and the United Kingdom, Economic inequality and democratic political engagement, Youth and Political Parties in Jordan, Amman, Knowing and caring about politics: gender and political engagement, No Easy Choose: Political Participation in Developing Countries. Political Posted 6 months ago. They concluded that the social and economic factors such as (gender, age, education, place of residence, family, tribal affiliation, unemployment, income, poverty, economic growth, social relationships, and regional affiliation) affected political participation, especially voting in elections. Brady et al. 617-634. Congressional Management Foundation, Communicating with Congress: How the Internet Has Changed Citizen Engagement (Washington, DC: Congressional Management Foundation, 2008). Turnout in presidential elections in the 1960s was over 60 percent. Cohen, C.J. Women turnout during Indias 2014 parliamentary general elections was 65.63%, compared to 67.09% turnout for men. In addition, the voting of the students' category (Palestinians) was low. The social environment definitely has an impact on political participation. People salute the flag and recite the pledge of allegiance at the beginning of a school day, and they sing the national anthem at sporting events. By 2008, 44 percent of the public had contacted their member of Congress about an issue or concern (Congressional Management Foundation, 2008). Moreover, the lack of fair distribution of resources and the concentration the wealth in the hands of businessmen, made them feel marginalized. Rakka twin peaks and voter registration CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. Moreover, the voting ratio of the family income group (less than 500 dinars) was low; it was problematic because this group covered the majority of university students. 1 / 19. (2012), Jordanian womens political participation: legislative status and structural challenges, European Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. The edited video showing the beating of King told a different story of police brutality and was the basis of much controversy. So, the Palestinians had the right to vote in Jordanian national and local elections. Direct mail appeals by single-issue groups for contributions aimed especially at more affluent Americans are targeted methods of mobilizing people. Pyeatt and Yanus (2018) have also concluded that the difference of regions within the same country and the ethnic or racial diversity affect voting in elections. Riots are frequently spontaneous and are sparked by an incident that brings to a head deep-seated frustrations and emotions. Solt (2008) and Brady et al. In all states except Maine, Vermont, and Massachusetts, inmates serving time for committing felonies lose their right to vote. Owen, D., The Campaign and the Media, in The American Elections of 2008, ed. The Senate alone receives an average of over four million e-mail messages per week and more than two hundred million e-mail messages per year (Congressional Management Foundation, 2008). It gives recognition to the national parties, state parties and regional parties. The United States is one of the few democracies that requires citizens to register themselves rather than having the government take responsibility for automatically registering them. The process by which a person develops political values and beliefs, including through interactions with family, friends, school, religious and civic groups, and the media. the individual needs money to be able to participate in political activities. So, the higher the income, the higher the participation rate was. Modes of participation 7. (1997), Knowing and caring about politics: gender and political engagement, The Journal of Politics, Vol. WebFactors Influencing Political Participation: 1. In the same context, Pyeatt and Yanus (2018) asserted that the difference in regional affiliation affected the political orientations of individuals. Local elections in small towns in New England draw up to 80 percent of qualified voters. The Only a small number of people, generally under one-quarter of those eligible, participate in local, county, and state elections. Now lets look at other determinants of what affects voter turnout. For many people, voting is the primary means of taking part in politics. Also,somesocialfactorssuchastribalaffiliationaffectsstudentsvoting.Basedontheabove: In addition, it led the marginalized groups to be reluctant to participate in the voting. Our study contributes to e-Participation platforms literature by seeking to understand factors affecting the use of e-participation platforms by the citizen. In 1993, Congress passed the National Voter Registration Act, also known as the motor voter law, allowing citizens to register at motor vehicle and social service offices. elections, according to the decision in Citizens United v. 1, pp. It can be concluded that: The more the age varies, the more voting in the elections differs in favor of older students. Race relations in Los Angeles in 1991 were strained. (8) of 1974 was issued to change the political life for Jordanian women. In addition, they did not get high quality public services. This study aims to identify the factors affecting the political participation of Jordanian university students, especially their voting in national and local elections. Demonstrators burned buildings and assaulted bystanders. 3 No. Protests involve unconventional, and sometimes unlawful, political actions that are undertaken in order to gain rewards from the political and economic system. (6) of 2016 does not discriminate in voting between males and females (gender), young and old people (age), rich and poor (income), Jordanians and Palestinians who were granted the Jordanian nationality (regional affiliation). There are many different ways that Americans can participate in politics, including voting, joining political parties, volunteering, contacting public officials, contributing money, working in campaigns, holding public office, protesting, and rioting. Once a candidate gets on the ballot, she must organize a campaign, solicit volunteers, raise funds, and garner press coverage. The scope and the outcome of voting is very broad affecting all the members of a society. depends on the situation and if the other sex is open minded, American political ideologies and beliefs. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. Moreover, the reason for not voting was the ineffectiveness of the performance of elected local councils with (20.3 per cent) for the Jordanians and Inefficiency of candidates for such councils with (38.4 per cent) for the (Palestinians). Education, gender, occupation, family, etc. Being a public official requires a great deal of dedication, time, energy, and money. Turnout was 55 percent in 2004 and 57 percent in 2008, when 132,618,580 people went to the polls (McDonald). Direct link to bhuiadna78's post What would happen if both, Posted a month ago. Voting is the most prevalent form of political participation, although many eligible voters do not turn out in elections. (2018), The impact of country characteristics on civic knowledge and political participation, Politikon: Iapss Journal of Political Science, Vol. Among the major findings of the study are high political apathy; and "voting" as the most popular form of political participation among the people and "free, fair and The reasons of that choice are represented in: Samer (2017), Atiyat (2017), Dababneh (2012), Nahar (2012), Nahar and Humaidan (2013), Tillian (2011) emphasizis that these factors were the most important social and economic factors affecting political participation. Gender and Political Participation, The Political Quarterly Publishing, Oxford. The Jordanian Constitution and laws have witnessed many amendments to strengthen political participation of all the Jordanian people segments, at the national level (parliament) and the local level (local councils). They pointed out that the political participation of females has always been less than males. Content Filtrations 6. 271-294. Have you ever voted in previous national or local elections? 107-123. 73 No. Forty-nine percent of the voting-age public cast a ballot in the 1924 presidential contest, the same percentage as in 1996. 362-385. Co-operative activity. Moreover, university students are reluctant to vote in elections, because of their feeling of alienation within the society, especially young female students. In addition, there was an age gap in voting in national and local elections, as young students voting was low. In addition, it does not discriminate between Jordanians and Jordanians of Palestinian origin (Palestinian refugees who were granted the Jordanian nationality in 1947 or 1967), where the law gave them the right to vote without discrimination (Article 3). Koch (1997) and Verba et al. Voter registration laws were implemented in the 1860s by states and big cities to ensure that only citizens who met legal requirements could vote. Levels of political interest and apathy have often been taken as criteria of participation and non-participation, including party membership, expressed interest in politics and awareness of issues. McDonald, M., Voter Turnout, United States Election Project, If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked. They can take part in groups or organizational activity to deal with social and political problems.
5 factors affecting political participationroyal holloway postgraduate term dates
Third: The more the family income varies, the more the voting in the elections differs in favor of the high-income students, as there were differences in the voting ratio in the elections according to the level of family income. Ross, M. (2008), Oil, Islam, and women, American Political Science Review, Vol. In addition, the questionnaire included two section, the first is related to the four factors: Gender (malefemale), Age (8-22years old - 23-30years old), Family Income (less than 500 dinar- 500 less than 700 dinar more than 700 dinar), and regional affiliation (Jordanian Origin - Palestinian Origin). In contrast, the voting of the female students was (33.8 per cent). As one of the basic principles of participatory democracy, each citizen gets one vote and each vote c (1995) noted that inequality in the distribution of incomes affects, political participation, such inequality makes the poor reluctant to vote in elections. They represented all segments of society: Al-Al Bayt University, which is located in the northern region of Jordan (14 colleges, 7,434 males and 9,809 females), the Jordanian University, which is located in the central region of Jordan (20 colleges, 12,716 males and 25086 females), the Mu'tah University, which is located in the southern region of Jordan (19 colleges, 7,614 males, Female 7,172). The growth of an interconnected world economy and culture, fueled by lowered trade barriers between nations and advances in communications technology. This made them feel political alienation, which led them to be reluctant to vote in the elections. Direct link to taylor512's post can these political belie, Posted 3 years ago. Midwestnerd Jingle Bell 5K run CC BY 2.0. An individuals sense of loyalty to a specific political party. (1997), Womens engagement in politics in the year of the woman, American Politics Quarterly, Vol. They concluded that the sociopolitical interest of young females could help to overcome this problem, education could be one of the solutions, as political participation of females increases, when they are aware that political events would directly affect their lives. Webfactors affecting participation in politics be citizens reactions to government policies and specically whether those policies are consonant with their pre-ferences? What factors influence voter turnout in elections? In spite of the dissemination of civil society institutions after 1989, awareness of civil culture and political participation was still poor (Tillian, 2011, pp.1-2). This role is partly expressive and partly instrumental. and Fox, R.L. In addition, Trust in the ability of candidates to provide services to people. for the family income category (more than 700 dinars) at (19.5 per cent). As there are differences in voter turnout ratio according to age groups, the voting ratio in the age group (23 less than 18years old) was low. Berikut faktor-faktornya: 1. 2, pp. Peter D. Hart Research Associates, New Leadership for a New Century (Washington, DC: Public Allies, August 28, 1998). About half the population takes part in national and community political affairs by joining an interest group, issue-based organization, civic organization, or political party. Many people take part in neighborhood, school, and religious associations. It was made clear to the participants that their participation was voluntary, that their decision to take part in the study would not affect their routine care and that they were free to withdraw from the study at any point during the process. Measuring gender differences in political knowledge. The 2008 presidential election sparked high levels of public interest and engagement. Pyeatt and Yanus (2018), Dolan (2011), Fox (2011) discussed how to overcome the gender gap in voting. In the context of responding to the question Have you ever voted in previous national or local elections? It was noted that male students were the most Jordanian university students voting in the elections with (66.2 per cent). This was due to many reasons, such as womens political alienation and their belief that their ability to make a political change is still weak, etc. However, most participants are not activists for these causes. This, in turn, made women lose interest in political issues, events, and party activities. A large number of elections are held in the United States every year, including local elections, elections for county and statewide offices, primaries, and general elections. 3, pp. College students in the 1960s used demonstrations to voice their opposition to the Vietnam War. The Jordanian decision maker realized the shifts in internal and international circumstances. Turnout varies significantly across localities. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. (1993), Neighborhood poverty and African American politics, American Political Science Review, Vol. We saw the three cleavages affecting voter turnout, which were a mix of internal and external factors. Verba, S. and Nie, N. (1978), Participation and Political Equality, University Press, Cambridge. Table II shows the results of the analysis of public universities students views on voting in national and local elections according to the age. Janet M. Box-Steffensmeier and Steven E. Schier (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2009), 932. In the US, political ideology, efficacy, structural barriers, and demographics all play a role in determining the nature and level of political participation. Mohammad Soud Alelaimat can be contacted at:, 1-16. People can vote for representatives, who make policies that will determine how much they have to pay in taxes and who will benefit from social programs. How do individuals form their political beliefs? The nine factors influencing political participation are as follows: 1. 3, pp. Democrat Barack Obama, the first African American to be nominated by a major party, generated enthusiasm, especially among young people. After reading this section, you should be able to answer the following questions: Americans have many options for taking part in politics, including voting, contacting public officials, campaigning, running for and holding office, protesting, and volunteering. Among the forms of political participation, the present study focuses on voting as a traditional form of political participation and the most prominent form that can be observed and measured during elections by monitoring the numbers of voters. Young people, in particular, used social media, like Facebook, to organize online on behalf of candidates. A positive side effect of fundraising campaigns is that people are made aware of candidates and issues through appeals for money (Jacobson, 1997). Thus, there was a gender gap between Jordanian university male and female universities students' voting in national and local elections. They can communicate their interests, preferences, and needs to government by engaging in public debate (Verba, Schlozman, & Brady, 1995). (1995) emphasized that there were three sources affecting political participation: time, money and social skills. 8.1 What Is Political Participation? 185-199. It says that blue collared workers are more likely to be affiliated with the Democratic party, and it says that the Southern region is more Republican. Not filmed at all was an intoxicated King driving erratically, leading police on an eight-mile, high-speed chase through crowded streets. Atkeson (2003) indicated that the greater the involvement of women in the public sector, the more barriers of their political participation are broken. The quantitative research was used in this study. Voting determines the leadership issues and policies of the party as well as the whole nation. 1, pp. 213-221. Youth political engagement in Australia and the United States: student councils and volunteer organizations as communities of practice, Studying oil, islam, and women as if political institutions mattered, Womens engagement in politics in the year of the woman, Politics of presence: women in the house and symbolic representation, Political participation of the urban poor, The impact of country characteristics on civic knowledge and political participation, Politikon: Iapss Journal of Political Science, The impact of political parties on the 2007 Jordanian parliamentary elections, The factors affecting the women political participations in Jordanian parliamentary elections (2003-2013), Increasing womens political participation: the role of women-friendly districts, Gender differences in political participation: comparing street demonstrators in Sweden and the United Kingdom, Economic inequality and democratic political engagement, Youth and Political Parties in Jordan, Amman, Knowing and caring about politics: gender and political engagement, No Easy Choose: Political Participation in Developing Countries. Political Posted 6 months ago. They concluded that the social and economic factors such as (gender, age, education, place of residence, family, tribal affiliation, unemployment, income, poverty, economic growth, social relationships, and regional affiliation) affected political participation, especially voting in elections. Brady et al. 617-634. Congressional Management Foundation, Communicating with Congress: How the Internet Has Changed Citizen Engagement (Washington, DC: Congressional Management Foundation, 2008). Turnout in presidential elections in the 1960s was over 60 percent. Cohen, C.J. Women turnout during Indias 2014 parliamentary general elections was 65.63%, compared to 67.09% turnout for men. In addition, the voting of the students' category (Palestinians) was low. The social environment definitely has an impact on political participation. People salute the flag and recite the pledge of allegiance at the beginning of a school day, and they sing the national anthem at sporting events. By 2008, 44 percent of the public had contacted their member of Congress about an issue or concern (Congressional Management Foundation, 2008). Moreover, the lack of fair distribution of resources and the concentration the wealth in the hands of businessmen, made them feel marginalized. Rakka twin peaks and voter registration CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. Moreover, the voting ratio of the family income group (less than 500 dinars) was low; it was problematic because this group covered the majority of university students. 1 / 19. (2012), Jordanian womens political participation: legislative status and structural challenges, European Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. The edited video showing the beating of King told a different story of police brutality and was the basis of much controversy. So, the Palestinians had the right to vote in Jordanian national and local elections. Direct mail appeals by single-issue groups for contributions aimed especially at more affluent Americans are targeted methods of mobilizing people. Pyeatt and Yanus (2018) have also concluded that the difference of regions within the same country and the ethnic or racial diversity affect voting in elections. Riots are frequently spontaneous and are sparked by an incident that brings to a head deep-seated frustrations and emotions. Solt (2008) and Brady et al. In all states except Maine, Vermont, and Massachusetts, inmates serving time for committing felonies lose their right to vote. Owen, D., The Campaign and the Media, in The American Elections of 2008, ed. The Senate alone receives an average of over four million e-mail messages per week and more than two hundred million e-mail messages per year (Congressional Management Foundation, 2008). It gives recognition to the national parties, state parties and regional parties. The United States is one of the few democracies that requires citizens to register themselves rather than having the government take responsibility for automatically registering them. The process by which a person develops political values and beliefs, including through interactions with family, friends, school, religious and civic groups, and the media. the individual needs money to be able to participate in political activities. So, the higher the income, the higher the participation rate was. Modes of participation 7. (1997), Knowing and caring about politics: gender and political engagement, The Journal of Politics, Vol. WebFactors Influencing Political Participation: 1. In the same context, Pyeatt and Yanus (2018) asserted that the difference in regional affiliation affected the political orientations of individuals. Local elections in small towns in New England draw up to 80 percent of qualified voters. The Only a small number of people, generally under one-quarter of those eligible, participate in local, county, and state elections. Now lets look at other determinants of what affects voter turnout. For many people, voting is the primary means of taking part in politics. Also,somesocialfactorssuchastribalaffiliationaffectsstudentsvoting.Basedontheabove: In addition, it led the marginalized groups to be reluctant to participate in the voting. Our study contributes to e-Participation platforms literature by seeking to understand factors affecting the use of e-participation platforms by the citizen. In 1993, Congress passed the National Voter Registration Act, also known as the motor voter law, allowing citizens to register at motor vehicle and social service offices. elections, according to the decision in Citizens United v. 1, pp. It can be concluded that: The more the age varies, the more voting in the elections differs in favor of older students. Race relations in Los Angeles in 1991 were strained. (8) of 1974 was issued to change the political life for Jordanian women. In addition, they did not get high quality public services. This study aims to identify the factors affecting the political participation of Jordanian university students, especially their voting in national and local elections. Demonstrators burned buildings and assaulted bystanders. 3 No. Protests involve unconventional, and sometimes unlawful, political actions that are undertaken in order to gain rewards from the political and economic system. (6) of 2016 does not discriminate in voting between males and females (gender), young and old people (age), rich and poor (income), Jordanians and Palestinians who were granted the Jordanian nationality (regional affiliation). There are many different ways that Americans can participate in politics, including voting, joining political parties, volunteering, contacting public officials, contributing money, working in campaigns, holding public office, protesting, and rioting. Once a candidate gets on the ballot, she must organize a campaign, solicit volunteers, raise funds, and garner press coverage. The scope and the outcome of voting is very broad affecting all the members of a society. depends on the situation and if the other sex is open minded, American political ideologies and beliefs. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. Moreover, the reason for not voting was the ineffectiveness of the performance of elected local councils with (20.3 per cent) for the Jordanians and Inefficiency of candidates for such councils with (38.4 per cent) for the (Palestinians). Education, gender, occupation, family, etc. Being a public official requires a great deal of dedication, time, energy, and money. Turnout was 55 percent in 2004 and 57 percent in 2008, when 132,618,580 people went to the polls (McDonald). Direct link to bhuiadna78's post What would happen if both, Posted a month ago. Voting is the most prevalent form of political participation, although many eligible voters do not turn out in elections. (2018), The impact of country characteristics on civic knowledge and political participation, Politikon: Iapss Journal of Political Science, Vol. Among the major findings of the study are high political apathy; and "voting" as the most popular form of political participation among the people and "free, fair and The reasons of that choice are represented in: Samer (2017), Atiyat (2017), Dababneh (2012), Nahar (2012), Nahar and Humaidan (2013), Tillian (2011) emphasizis that these factors were the most important social and economic factors affecting political participation. Gender and Political Participation, The Political Quarterly Publishing, Oxford. The Jordanian Constitution and laws have witnessed many amendments to strengthen political participation of all the Jordanian people segments, at the national level (parliament) and the local level (local councils). They pointed out that the political participation of females has always been less than males. Content Filtrations 6. 271-294. Have you ever voted in previous national or local elections? 107-123. 73 No. Forty-nine percent of the voting-age public cast a ballot in the 1924 presidential contest, the same percentage as in 1996. 362-385. Co-operative activity. Moreover, university students are reluctant to vote in elections, because of their feeling of alienation within the society, especially young female students. In addition, there was an age gap in voting in national and local elections, as young students voting was low. In addition, it does not discriminate between Jordanians and Jordanians of Palestinian origin (Palestinian refugees who were granted the Jordanian nationality in 1947 or 1967), where the law gave them the right to vote without discrimination (Article 3). Koch (1997) and Verba et al. Voter registration laws were implemented in the 1860s by states and big cities to ensure that only citizens who met legal requirements could vote. Levels of political interest and apathy have often been taken as criteria of participation and non-participation, including party membership, expressed interest in politics and awareness of issues. McDonald, M., Voter Turnout, United States Election Project, If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked. They can take part in groups or organizational activity to deal with social and political problems. Tamaqua Area School District News,
Articles OTHER